“Steven Jobs, 26, the co-founder of five-year-old Apple Computer, practically singlehanded created the personal computer industry. This college dropout is now worth $149 million.” (1982: America’s Risk Takers)


“The rebel flag is flying over Apple Computer, Inc., again, thanks to Jobs. The Silicon Valley visionary who co-founded Apple in his father’s garage in 1976, who launched the wildly successful Macintosh only to be booted by the corporate pinheads in 1985, is back running his first love.” (1997: Inside the Apple-Microsoft Deal)

“The popular caricature paints Jobs as a brilliant, driven man-child running around Apple in sandals and shorts, screaming at underlings while trying to build the perfect digital machine. By most accounts, this image remains more or less correct.” (1999: Apple and Pixar: Steve’s Two Jobs)

“Right here, right now, sitting on a butcher-block table, bathed in the sunlight that pours in through spyproof frosted-glass windows, is–repeat after Steve Jobs now–the quintessence of computational coolness, the most fabulous desktop machine that you or anyone anywhere has ever seen.” (2002: Apple’s New Core)


“Jobs has a great native sense of design and a knack for hiring geniuses, but above all, what he has is a willingness to be a pain in the neck about what matters most to him.” (2005: How Apple Does It)


“He [Jobs] exists somewhere between showman, perfectionist overseer, visionary, enthusiast and opportunist, and his insistence upon design, detail, finish, quality, ease of use and reliability are a huge part of Apple’s success. “ (2010: Inside Steve’s Pad)
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