Without Whom We Would Not Be Here Right NOW


-3-5-6-7-2We couldn’t be there on the night (as we hadn’t been invited).

But The Best Group Blog 2013 award was delivered THIS morning.

But NOT to Karl’s Den the Broadsheet office.

Karl’s ma won’t have it in the house.

Because this was a ‘group’ award it’s not just ours.


Therefore, it now nestles between a vase and a ‘traditional’ African shield on a shelf in the home of John Gallen, a tireless Broadsheet reader and friend we have never met.

John writes:

I accept this award on behalf of Hoop, Pedanto, Sido, Pidgeon, TK Ickle, Bacchus, Sheila, Kieran,  Frilly, BBop, Fat Frog, Mani, Mikeyfex, Continuity Jay Z, Domestos, Sgt. Bilko, Caroline, Woesinger, Mick Flavin, Jockstrap, realPolithicks, Clampers Outside, Gingivitis Rex, Rory, Garthicus, Sinabhfuil, Fluffybiscuits, Bozo, Paidi, Helen, etc., etc. And all Broadsheet contributors. It’s sitting proud on the cubby in my hall way.


Previously: Blogissimo

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