26 thoughts on “All The Planets In The Solar System Would Fit Between The Earth And The Moon

  1. Mark Dennehy

    Ah, here.

    You don’t mention the Antares launch failure yesterday (oooo! explodey!), you don’t mention the Chang’e5 moon mission a few days ago which not only carries the first ever privately-run lunar mission but also which just sent back a totally sweet Earthrise-type photo, but you do copy this daft thing off Reddit?

    Feck’s sakes lads. Dropping the ball there a bit.

    (Besides, you put all the planets in the solar system in that position and that much mass inside Roche limits would shatter every last one of them into tiny bits that would then slowly aggregate into one enormous planet, unless it managed to amass enough material to turn into a dwarf star… so you’ve actually covered that story way too soon, you missed all the cool bits)


    1. rotide

      Not only that, but its 3 days old which means its been all over facebuke at this point and loads of us have seen it 3 times already!

        1. Tony

          Scientists have known about this for decades. I first saw it in 1745. This was on facereddit four million years ago…Jaysus tonight

  2. wubbelz

    Inspired me to watch the lunar landing simulation again. wechoosethemoon.org
    Incredible achievement

    1. TheDude

      Kubrick surpassed his work on 2001 with the moon ‘landings’. Sure it’s why OJ was framed doncha know?

  3. munkifisht

    Oh wow, just working it out (Beep doop deep), that means they all fit with 0.2% of the distance left to spare. The Earth Moon relationship is just awesome. There’s also the weird coincidence that from the surface of the earth the moon and sun appear to be exactly the same radius. That’s purely a coincidence but does mean we see eclipses.

    1. Mark Dennehy

      You’d see eclipses regardless of the moon and sun’s apparent sizes (we see them on other planets in the solar system fairly often). It’s *total* eclipses you’re thinking of.

      1. munkifisht

        As soon as I posted I wanted to edit. I meant eclipses the way we do. The apparent size of the moon could be much larger than the sun and you would still see total eclipses. loads of minor planets like Pluto, Eris, Quaoar and Orcus probably have total eclipses (although in most cases you wouldn’t notice as their far out in the Kuiper belt)

    2. Mikeyfex

      And the bit about the moon rotating, as it orbits the Earth, at a speed that means we only ever get to see one side of it.

      Love that sh!t.

        1. Anne

          Unless it’s an humongous phallic shaped object, I won’t be oohing and aahing, but thanks all the same.

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