12 thoughts on “While You Were Shopping

  1. rotide

    Gerry’s kids are going to love their photo of an irish landscape. It’s the perfect christmas present.

    1. Alfred E. Neumann

      Perfect. It’s not the thought that counts if the thought is “Screw those guys, I hate shopping.”

  2. Casey

    Lovely photo, add an ikea frame and you have a lovely present for someone who appreciates the personal touch in their presents rather than another thoughtless boxed gift something from somewhere.

    Oh and for everyone calling the OP smug. The stench of judgementalism off you is rank. You might want to reign that cr@p in.

    1. Alfred E. Neumann

      I think it’s largely the headline that makes this sound smug. It pushes “Instead of being stuck in traffic” towards “instead of going shopping like you drones”.

      1. Holden MaGroin

        The poster was smug enough by themselves before the headline was added.

        Also the photo isn’t that impressive. I think I’ll buy a nicer one, in a shop, after I get through this traffic.

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