We’re Number One!


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Out of Work Mapper Omar Sarhan writes:

Look! Ireland is a world leader in something! Pity it’s debt levels, nice statistics that show how Ireland’s debt problem has ballooned since 2007, I prepared this map based on an MGI report on global debt levels released [yesterday]. Read more here and here.

An ever increasing mountain of global debt? (Omar Sarhan)

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19 thoughts on “We’re Number One!

    1. veritas

      This does not show level of debt,it shows the change in the level of debt so countries with high debt that has not changed are low on the list

  1. mrmurphster

    Funny that Argentina have one of lowest levels since they refused to pay back their debt “twice” at this stage…

  2. Clampers Outside!

    Em… US debt growth went from $8.9 Trillion in 2007 to $17.8 Trillion in 2014 and is now at just over $18 Trillion.
    But that is not what the chart says… or it musn’t be what the MGI data says….

    Fair play Omar, I love these maps of data ! :) ..but the above has me a bit confused. I think USA should be two shades darker.

    1. Omar Sarhan

      You are right!
      US debt has increased allot in the time period, According to the report it is up 35%, however corporate and household debt are down 2% and 18% respectively, so when the report weights up everything and calculates the change in total debt, the affect is to make change in total debt look less severe.

  3. Spaghetti Hoop

    Liking the maps Omar.
    Are you like a ‘Jim’ll Paint It’ and you’ll provide mapped data for….ANYTHING??

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