Nicki’s Grief


alive1 alive2

They care.

Kevin Duggan writes:

Front of Catholic Alive! newspaper….are trying to appeal to a new demographic? Looked at article inside, should have guessed what it was about :(

Nicki Minaj?

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24 thoughts on “Nicki’s Grief

  1. andyourpointiswhatexactly

    I think the expression on her face is exactly the expression she’d have if she were told she was on the front page of that paper.

    1. well

      Rachels Vinyard seems to emphasize women ask to be forgiven for having an abortion. Sounds like one long mentally damaging guilt trip.

  2. newsjustin

    As a catholic myself, I feel that it would be wise of parish priests and parish communities not to allow it be distributed (as it is in some cases) in the porch of churches. I support their freedom of expression and agree with some of their points (and it is very much and opinion driven newsletter), but their elephant gun approach of taking swipes at everything from climate change, vaccines and tv schedules is way off the mark, lacking in scholarship and amateurish.

    It’s very much the Daily Mail of catholic news and comment.

    1. ahjayzis

      When I used to get it I’d ritually burn it in the fire grate soon as I laid eyes on it.
      Try it, it’s actually really cleansing. Leaves you feeling refreshed and purified for the month ahead.

  3. B Bop

    I wonder did the horribly tragic murder in Japan of the young girl from Wexford -who was killed by Nikki Manaj’s backing dancer, give her grief? Never a mention of that.

    1. Rois

      Was Minaj meant to have prevented this?

      Iirc she made a statement at the time expressing her condolences, what more was she supposed to do?

      Also Alive sucks balls.

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