9 thoughts on “What Do You Mean ‘You Weren’t Invited’?

  1. bisted

    …you do realise you are merely reinforcing that stereotype about Swedish girls…thank you Chompsky.

    1. Odockatee

      …..you do realise you are merely reinforcing that stereotype about broadsheet commenters. Thank you Bisted

  2. Mike

    That was so much fun!
    They play their instruments really well and was very surprised by the caliber of songs.
    Was not expecting that one. Prefer the Swedish songs!

  3. Soundings

    As someone really needs to explain to Graeme Keyes for his cartoons in The Phoenix, it’s “I before E, except after C” but there are exceptions, “feisty” being one of them.

    1. LiamZero

      You’re displaying some excessive obeisancies to what is now regarded as an antiquated mnemonic there. Obeisancies… geddit?
      Anyway, what are you referring to?

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