28 thoughts on “Uh Oh

    1. Stumpy

      Wow. Also, as ‘Head of Communications and Advocacy’ for the Irish Hospice foundation, this individual should know better than to post (moronic) personal opinions using a twitter a/c that explicitly links her to her employer.

  1. CousinJack

    And fornication, don’t forget how the invention of the interweb made people have sex

    1. dhaughton99

      Sorry, she already has one.

      Head of Communications & Advocacy with the Irish Hospice Foundation and Occasional contributor to the Irish Independent.

  2. Pablo Pistachio

    Down with this sort of thing. Careful now.
    The promotion of vile practices is ok if it’s in a book. Call it 50 shades of something and as long as the man is wealthy and a dreamboat *swoon*, sure he can get up to whatever he likes.
    Won’t somebody please think of the children.

  3. medieval knievel

    saying BDSM is responsible for the murder is like saying sex is responsible for rape.

    1. All the good ones fly south for winter

      BDSM is not a derivative of BYOB. Explains that bizarre barbecue then.

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