40 thoughts on “I’m In Here

  1. John E. Bravo

    I know it’s the glass door caused the posting, but are they really asking for a ‘settled’ couple?

    1. ex pat

      Clearly a non-national not getting the double meaning of the word in an Irish context. Question would be what is settled? 6 months or 6 years?

      1. JimmytheHead

        Thanks! Silly tho, its a private bedroom and glass doors are a must near moisture. I’d a wooden door on my en suite in a gaf years ago and the thing constantly used to warp and jam closed.

        1. ahjayzis

          Getting it frosted wouldn’t have broken the budget.

          Also it’s a toilet IN a shower. If you can turn the shower on while shitting, you can’t call it a wet room.

          1. JimmytheHead

            Come on, who doesnt wish every morning that they could have a poo, brush teeth and shower at the same time? Throw a waterproof bluetooth kettle in the mix and you just evolved.

          2. mauriac

            A shit, a shave, a shower
            And half a pint of powers
            Then off again to get on board
            The Donegal Express !

          3. ahjayzis

            I’m not DENYING that that’s the dream, Jimmy. I’m merely saying I wouldn’t have the hubris to refer to it as my ‘wetroom’, is all.

            A washer/shitter maybe.

      2. Zarathustra

        I knew an English couple years ago who were so open with each other about everything, they used to have regular chats while one or the other was on the toilet, and it wasn’t a bother to them.

          1. JimmytheHead

            I know a guy who has a wee every night while his missus brushes her teeth and doesnt see why its a big deal, but would draw the line at a poo for obvious reasons.

          2. Mikeyfex

            A guy I know walked in to the toilet to find the girl he lived with catching the deuce of her boyfriend in a tupperware box.

            We thought about it and the only explanation we could think of was he had swallowed the key to that bathroom.

          3. ahjayzis

            Ah weeing isn’t a big deal, most healthy couples wee ON each other if various pornographic sites are anything to go by.

            Pooing in anothers presence is the line though. That’s when it’s time to divorce and get a mistress.

  2. Spaghetti Hoop

    Don’t know what a ‘settled couple’ is but I suddenly don’t like the sound of it.

    1. St. John Smythe

      I guess a ‘settled’ couple means the landlord, living next door, doesn’t want to witness any “on again / off again” fights. You know the type: one day he comes home from the pub at night to find all his clothes thrown out on the front lawn then spends the next hour shouting at her through the window. Next day they can be heard having loud ‘make-up’ sex through the walls all night. A week later she has painted BASTARD on his car, only its not his car, its your car by mistake.

      1. Spaghetti Hoop

        Well, if you experienced all of that like it sounds you did…. you’re a saint.

  3. custo

    I love the sideways photos. For about 2 minutes I was trying to figure out if they were some weird knee level windows.

  4. Murtles

    OK the first photo of the stairs is sideways, that’s what threw me off. I thought it was like a doggy door you had to crawl through to get out on the landing.

    1. Spaghetti Hoop

      I actually thought it was a hatch through which you dispensed dinners and soup to the lines of hungry poor assembled along the balcony.

  5. Zarathustra

    I’d be more concerned with slipping after getting out of the shower; whatever about hitting a wooden door, going head first through glass wouldn’t be a nice way to go.

  6. Joxer

    i was in a gaff once off south circular road and the main bedroom had an ensuite that had a glass wall. there was me and these two girls that i hadnt known for very long staying over. Thankfully there was another jacks in the gaff….

  7. Janet

    Once in a restaurant with one way glass in the jacks…If you can do it there you can do it anywhere… NEW YORK !

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