Meanwhile, In Texas


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A disturbing development.

NBC News reports:

“A police officer in McKinney, Texas, has been placed on administrative leave after a video surfaced showing him wrestling a bikini-clad 14-year-old girl to the ground and aggressively confronting other teens at a pool party, police said Sunday.”

In another part of the video, the officer pulls his gun on a group of teenagers.”

“Brandon Brooks, who shot the video on his phone, said he found out about the pool party on Twitter. He was leaving the pool with his friend when he heard of a fight outside. Brooks said that the fight was over when cops arrived but that they started chasing people and throwing them on the ground.”

McKinney, Texas, Officer on Leave After Wild Pool Party Video Surfaces (NBC News)

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68 thoughts on “Meanwhile, In Texas

  1. Spaghetti Hoop

    Cop acting completely unmeasured and undisciplined….I mean, waving his gun around??
    Thought the kids were particularly polite and cooperative.
    Shocking stuff.

    1. Talismania!

      Fortunate that this sort of thing has been in the news lately, or his reaction might have been even worse.

  2. Avon Barksdale

    Paid leave, no doubt, will be back on the beat as soon as the media frenzy calms down. move along, nothing to see here

    1. Talismania!

      Anyone who thinks that unions have lost all their power in the states haven’t tangled with the police unions . . .

  3. Anomanomanom

    He’s aggressive alright but nothing to bad here. The girl was mouthing off refusing to leave. And the gun being pulled, over the top reaction, but 2 guys did rum towards him.

    1. Fergus the magic postman

      You should get on to his chief superintendent and point out this observation straight away. It seems he’s been unfairly suspended for “nothing to bad” [sic].

      1. Anomanomanom

        What did he actually do wrong. He was clear in his directions and yes was aggressive. Iv witnessed worse from or garda, minus the gun of course.

        1. Grouse

          He handcuffed her and kneeled with both knees on her back (3:51). She was an unarmed teenager not doing what she was told. The response was beyond all proportion. He drew his gun on two other teenagers who were pretty obviously reacting out of concern. I don’t know what your measure of “wrong” is, but it certainly satisfies mine.

        2. Fergus the magic postman

          Everything he did was wrong. These were kids. If they were not kids, everything he did would still be wrong.

      1. Odis

        Seemingly, she was involved in an assault on a women who was attending the pool with her kids earlier (or so I read).

  4. Formerly known as

    Without the video, who knows what story would have been concocted.

    I wonder if he would have slung a young white girl to the ground like that.

    US Police training needs to be updated: Everybody has a smart phone and will video the crimes that you commit.

    1. Fergus the magic postman

      There really needs to be zero tolerance for police caught doing stuff like this.
      Forget temporary suspensions. They should do time, & not be allowed return to their jobs afterwards, and not get a pension.
      That’s the only way this type of carry on will start to die out.

      1. All the good ones fly south for winter

        Well there’s that logic but then there’s Unions.

    2. Stephanenny

      They absolutely wouldn’t have. The guy filming it was white, he said everyone who got cuffed, yelled at or made lie down was black or hispanic. They left him alone.

  5. Cloud

    Who is the fat redneck floating around involving himself, like some sort of SpringShield volunteer. I don’t see the cops asking him or the kid filming it to disperse. In fact, near the start you see him turn his attention to the kid with the camera for a moment, the turn away to resume streaming at the black kids.

    That said, the other two cops looked to be fairly on the ball. As soon as Martin Riggs there went for his gun, they were on either side of him in a split second, hand on the shoulder. You can tell they both thought….ohh christ, here we go.

    1. Ronan Fitzgerald

      I was just thinking that myself…. So far in all the comments you are the only one to mention the elephant in the room (not the fat guy!) But they are only detaining the black kids, and there are a number of “portly” MEN “assisting” the officers….. it seems that there was a little bit of profiling going there……..

  6. Starina

    there’s so much about this video that makes me feel sick — number one being the cop’s clear enjoyment of dominating a barely-dressed black child.

    apparently a parent at the party made racist jokes and when some of the teenagers called them on it, the cops were phoned.

    f*pp the police.

      1. Ms Piggy

        That is a disgusting comment which implies that a 14 year old girl is responsible for the actions of adult men around her. Secondly, she’d been in a swimming pool. What on earth did you expect her to be wearing.

  7. TheBeef

    I actually wasn’t at all prepared for how upsetting that was. He even kneels on that poor girl’s back as she hysterically cries for her mother. Completely disgusting.

  8. TheBeef

    Also, the contrast between how the cop at 00:40 treats the kids and how mr. action hero is ten seconds later is incredible.

  9. Tony 2

    If this wasn’t videoed and violence was used, guaranteed these kids would be described as ‘thugs’. Those kids are incredibly well mannered, it’s great to see this balance to the fox news ‘fatherless trouble seeking african american gangs’ brush they tar all african american kids with. Only time one over reacted was when the cop manhandled a 14yo girl, what an bumhole to do that, should be fired immediately, not a sane person.

    1. Stephanenny

      That was not, in the slightest way, an overreaction, Ai thought that how restrained they were was pretty scary proof of just how afraid, and rightly so, young black people are of the police over there. If it had been me I’d have physically intervened. But then I’m white so odds on I’d have been fine.

  10. Ferret McGruber

    That video really is shocking. That cop was either bullied a lot in school or has an incredibly small p*nis and is now compensating by power-tripping all over defenceless kids. He could so easily have shot one of the kids and for what? Not committing a crime?

  11. Ferret McGruber

    Mind you, I’ve seen the same in some of the Irish Water videos. Gardai harass people in order to make them swear. As soon as they do, they’re arrested. Nasty.

    1. Cian

      Ferret McGruber, Can you post a link to an example where “Gardai harass people in order to make them swear. As soon as they do, they’re arrested” please? in all of the videos I’ve seen it has been the people hurling abuse at the Garda.

    2. Paps

      haha good one ,
      Your man Derek has the foulest mouth on him, the harassment goes one way, and its towards the Gardai and the IW contractors

  12. The big fella

    It’s a shameful incident from start to finish. The onus is on him/ his union to prove he felt in grave danger when the male teenager came towards him. If he can prove this he will then found to have been justified in drawing the gun. It’s a complete joke. But he won’t get more than a slap on the wrist probably for the way he dealt with the girl as opposed to drawing his firearm.

    1. Odis

      He shapes like he’s under some fierce pressure. He’s not the sort of fellah who should be let out on the streets with a gun. In fact he comes across as dangerously deranged.

    1. Odis

      Read Lolly’s comment above. There’s some wierd stuff with American swimming pools – it would seem.

  13. obvious point

    Amerika … just because they speak English shouldn’t be a reason for Irish sites to focus on this tabloid guff. There are far more significant news events to be discussed, its sad that we focus on the great Satan so much. They are increasingly irrelevant.

  14. Iseult

    Rabid dog….that he is paid to be let loose on the general public is a scandal. He is a shame to the police force. Poor kid will be badly shook by that experience.

  15. andymac

    The cops are completely out of control in America. I’m seeing videos of them killing nearly every day for no reason.

    1. Odis

      They are cops in a violent society where there are loads of guns.
      But don’t forget “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” etc. …….

  16. Spaghetti Hoop

    Sure is. The somewhat understated article hinted at a crisis of attitude which the comments validated. Appalling what’s going on.

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