Sacred Vows



A Canberra couple have vowed to get a divorce, ending their “sacred” 10-year union, if Australia allows same-sex couples to legally marry. Nick Jensen and his wife Sarah believe widening the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples threatens the sacred nature of the union and leaves the door open to polygamy. The Christian couple have been happily married for over a decade, have no intention of separating and hope to have more children. For all intents and purposes they have a healthy marriage.

They seem lovely.

Christian couple vow to divorce if same-sex marriage is legalised (the Age)

(H/T: Mark Geary)

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49 thoughts on “Sacred Vows

  1. Ted

    We only have full Equality for couples (but not singles, triples, etc.) over 35. The Irish people have spoken and they clearly only believe in some types of Equality.

    And why can’t genderfluid single people adopt? All the studies show… [blah, blah, blah…]

    Sometimes you have to take a stand against sham “marriage”. And fair play to this couple for saying what they think and not being bullied by the Twitterati.

    The Irish dioceses will soon be circulating new guidelines to help the faithful from getting confused about HSE “marriage”. It’s not “the same” and it never will be (despite what the Irish Times tries to tell you).

    Funnily enough, I haven’t seen much appetite for gay “marriage” in Ireland now that this referendum has passed. Do they have stage fright or something? The attractiveness of a monogamous, sterile life together (with copious amounts of grizzly “sex”) seems a bit empty and pointless? Now that would be funny after all the hysteria… I’m sure some will go against their guts and do it anyway just to keep the statistics up.

    1. Eliot Rosewater

      You know the auld gays can’t actually marry yet, ted? And how would you know about the ‘appetite’ of a whole group of people? Anyway even if only one gay couple decided to marry (or, indeed, none) it wouldn’t matter: the point was to allow the option.

      As for the couple who are going to divorce, in the same way that gay people marrying doesn’t affect my relationships, a lunatic Christian couple divorcing won’t either.

      I think they should probably think of a better threat should Australia allow for SSM, though.

      1. Annie

        “Mongamous sterile life”? Is ABM, darn it, I mean “Ted” talking about his fulfilling relationship with his cat? Let’s hope ABM, there I go again, I mean “Ted” of course, keeps to his celibate condition here. Yikes!

    2. Nially

      “Funnily enough, I haven’t seen much appetite for gay “marriage” in Ireland now that this referendum has passed.”

      I know two couples who’ve gotten engaged since the result of the referendum and will marry once enabling legislation is in place, but then again that’s probably because I actually know and interact with LGBT people in real life, as opposed to Ted, who only seems to encounter us in his lurid apocalyptic fever dreams (and while shame-wanking to gay porn, natch).

    3. doncolleone

      what a sad little life you must lead, you should end it at the first opportunity, it will save you plenty of misery.

  2. Odis

    Fair enough. If I was in their situation, I would probably want to make an expensive time consuming, pointless petulant, gesture. It makes very good sense.

  3. Malta

    In a way, I kinda agree with them add they seem to be advocating for complete separation of church and state, which is fine by me. Obvs, they shouldn’t be able to avail of any of the advantages our protections provided by civil marriage once they do divorce, whatever those protections might be in Australian law.

  4. ZeligIsJaded

    One can only hope.

    Let’s not encourage these two to mate!

    Get that referendum to the good folks of Oz immediately.

      1. Mani

        Ted, I’m imagining your origin story revolves around that time you got a semi during a scrum.

  5. bisted

    …at least they have the option to divorce…not so long ago in Ireland divorce was not available either.

    BTW, I thought christians didn’t divorce?

    1. Mani

      Surely Christians should be the most understanding of homosexuality given their credo of ‘turn the other cheek’

  6. Ppads

    One hand they say they have no intention of separating yet on the other intend to divorce once SSM is introduced. Which is it?

    1. ReproBertie

      It’s both. The statement that they have on intention of separating is to calrify that they are not currently planning to divorce and using this possible referendum result as a handy excuse. They are saying their marriage is solid but if gays can have it that don’t want it. No doubt they do a clean out of their CD collection everytime a musician comes out.

  7. Owen

    Good luck to them. Dividing a family in an attempt to prove a point about the sanctity of marriage. Idiots.

  8. Blublu

    Before the referendum I told my girlfriend I didn’t think I could get married in Ireland if it didn’t pass. I’m not equally as moronic as these two am I?

  9. Mikeyfex

    You could tell. Just from the picture on the app you could tell. Massive Hey-zeus freaks.
    It’s the big teeth-together smile (that’s in case any willies try get in while their lips are parted) and the goatee on your man (again, for the willies, it gives that ‘I have ginger pubes’ look that, like, no one is fond of)

  10. Tucker Done

    To be fair, Nick has just found an ingenius way of dumping his wife.

    “It’s not you honey, it’s the gays”

  11. Rob_G

    Aren’t some people blessed that they have so little to be worried about in their lives?

  12. manolo

    Having babies out of marriage? Wasn’t that supposed to be a top tier sin with the kids being taken away by their church for adoption and the mothers enslaved for years washing other people’s dirty linen? The twist could be that their kids end up adopted by a really nice gay couple.

  13. Gavin

    I love the way TED calls or current state of marriage HSE “marriage”. As if the churches version was not a construct created by men.

  14. Pird

    You’ve missed a key point here Broadsheet:

    It’s worth noting that Nick has a dog in this particular fight beyond his 10-year union—he’s the director of Lachlan Macquarie Institute, an entirely donor-funded conservative Christian lobbyist group. Their goal is “to see Christian principles influencing the way we are governed, do business, and relate to each other as a community.”

    Couple Vows to Divorce If Gays Can Marry – The Daily Beast

    1. Clampers Outside!

      Christian fundamentalist lobbyist nutjobs who are anti-divorce threaten to divorce if they don’t get their way.

      I say leave ’em off, they’re just a bunch of selfish pricks.

      As Mr Galbraith said… “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

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