Extra Provision



You’ll recall how a working group set up by the Department of Justice last August to look at reforming the direct provision system – and from which the CEO of the Irish Refugee Council Sue Conlan resigned in March – is due to deliver its report at the end of this month.

This morning, Kitty Holland, in the Irish Times, reports:

The report will recommend these [asylees’ welfare payments] be increased to €38.74 per week for adults and €29.80 for children. This would bring the rates into line with supplementary welfare allowance rates when the fact asylum seekers in direct provision are provided with food and accommodation is taken into account.”

Readers may recall  in September 2014, the RTÉ Radio One journalist, Brian O’Connell, did a series of interviews with female asylum seekers – some teenagers – who talked about engaging in prostitution in order to supplement their weekly stipend of €19.10/€9.60 a week.

After the interviews Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald said she’d be seeking a report on this specific matter stating: ‘I will certainly be asking for a report and I would ask that anyone with information to make it available to the Gardaí.’

Was that specific report ever carried out? Or was it subsumed into this working group report?”


Previously: ‘I Will Certainly Be Asking For A Report’ 

“He Took Me Around Some Bushes”

‘We Do It Out Of Desperation’

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22 thoughts on “Extra Provision

    1. Cup of tea anyone?

      Are you serious? When you say “when will someone start paying me??” you are implying that the issue is with the money side of it. The issue shouldn’t be the amount it costs to keep them. It is that we keep them at all. Refugees will always be coming to this country. The real solution is to asses everyone within 2 months of arrival and let those that can stay in to work and give something back to the community. Everyone else should be given 2 more months to make an appeal. at that stage they should be let in or shipped off. No third chances, No waiting around. In and out in 4 months.

  1. Dubloony

    I don’t understand why some people are waiting 5-10 years in hostels and other facilities.
    It does show a complete lack of efficiency in the process. It should be more humane.
    If you meet the criteria, you’re in. If you don’t, you’re out.
    And if you’re out, you are held until you are escorted from the country.

    Given the boatloads of people escaping the middle east right now, there are genuine refugees out there that need help.

  2. fluffybiscuits

    The state of the hostels is a f**kin disgrace. My solution is to offer everyone leave to stay. People do not come here for our welfare system which is rubbish, they come for a better life. Let everyone in and build up a community. We are all one people – humanity.

    Open borders

    I have long been an advocate of this policy and believe its something worthwhile exploring. Here is a different if somewhat very simple look at things. People in a capitalist society and conditioned to be consumerists, to work like slaves for basic wage and in turn this money then leaves the worker whom spends his disposable income on useless stuff that he may want but inherently made not need. This leads me on to a second point which forms the crux of my opinion on what is preventing open borders. When people accumulate all this wealth and their material goods (a lot of capitalist societies produce materialistic beings) they will fight to keep what they have which is a standard of living way above what is par for the norm and this in itself creates an injust and inhumane society. An open border is something which they see as a threat to both themselves and their way of life and this coupled with their extreme insecurities and superiority complexes makes for one giant barrier which while big is not so big as to be torn down.

    How do we implement an open border? From the start we need to educate our children in the schools and try and get a number of influential people on board, I’m not talking about currently established leaders but those whom have excellent leadership skills, are diplomatic and trustworthy, where these come from I do not know but I’m sure some way can be created to identify them. These people can then in each country/region of the world where there is extremes such as fundamentalism seek to address moderates in that country and appeal to the working class in such a way as to combat the influence of extremism and fundamentalism and appeal to the people through the offer of a better way of life. In Ireland we would need someone to try and make people drop their materialist values and go back to their humanity and thinking of others. We would end up with a standard of living that is still well above average but takes into account the needs of everyone else.

    Over the years we would promote a bicultural model similar to that of Singapore where housing developments would be mixed and people fully explored to promote each their own culture while actively taking an interest in each other’s culture. The Canadians have great legislation in place called the Canadian Multiculturalism Act which was borne out of the ideals of Trudeau in Canada (more info please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Multiculturalism_Act ). It goes some way towards promoting this bicultural model.

    1. Anomanomanom

      I stopped reading after the “our welfare system is rubbish” line, your obviously joking.

        1. Anomanomanom

          You mean memory of a gold fish bit anyway no i just don’t read anything that starts of with complete crap.

    2. Odis

      So this is what you are going to do when you rule the world Fluffy.
      I for one, welcome this old Coke Advert approach.

  3. MintyFresh

    Ehmmm… Why aren’t we letting them work? We all know that there are entry-level jobs out there that long-term unemployed Irish/EU will never touch anyway. Other people in this dreadful system have good skills and experience in various industries that could be put to use as well. I just don’t get it. The dignity of a job, any job, would go a long way to helping these people feel at home. Why are they and by extension, their children, being treated as criminals? The majority of refugees come here with nothing but hope. We as taxpayers collude in their subjugation with this pittance of hand-out. We should be ashamed.

    1. Odis

      “Ehmmm… Why aren’t we letting them work? We all know that there are entry-level jobs out there that long-term unemployed Irish/EU will never touch anyway.”
      I’m glad you brought that up m8. Its about time these lazy sods on the dole, stopped drinking their Lidl cider and whining about injustices to each other on their I-phones, the tax payer deserves better from these shiftless layabouts with their welfare privilege attitude!!

  4. Fluter bad

    Is deportation not on the agenda anymore? I know it’s a tough measure but we are broke and can hardly look after our pensioners.

      1. Odis

        Why should we classify anything?
        Don’t we have 60% of the DNA of a banana or something.

        I don’t know nine years ago some Californian builder had difficulty classifying wood from steel and that didn’t work out well for the people the balcony that collapsed yesterday.

        We classify things because we have the intelligence to do so. Unlike bananas which don’t despite sharing 60% of our genetic makeup.

        The simple answer is because we can.

  5. Mysterymeat

    So we’ll give them an extra €20 a week of ‘stfu’ money and leave them languishing in their current limbo state. Ah yeah that sounds like a great waste of time and money for all involved.

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