33 thoughts on “Gullible

      1. rory

        Judging from the layout I’m guessing that horrifying text is from the sindo. In which case the editor is Cormac Burke (Fionnan Sheehan the main honcho for the other 6 days, from my understanding.) Credit where credit is due.

      2. fosull

        I know it’s an overused comment, but that would really not be out of place as a Waterford Whispers piece.

        I cannot believe a publication that wants to be taken seriously would actually print that.

      3. Jackdaw

        What a pack of morons. Which reminds me I haven’t called Barry Egan a derogatory name in a while.

    1. newsjustin

      We all just laughed.

      Next we’ll see all those deafness claims from the ice-cream vans.

    1. Someone

      Between them being vilified in the newspapers and Welsh arseholes making them dance for food, the Seagulls need a civil rights movement.

      1. Someone

        Well since most people now days get their news from the radio or online (jaysus, even my 72 year old father is rocking the internet), then yes, we hate those people too.

      2. Mr. T.

        “Its Ireland’s best-selling paper, so you don’t like a lot of Irish people.”

        Sounds about right.

  1. Vote Rep #1

    All it takes for Irish papers to consider you an expert is to start an awareness group. This guy is just an expert in hating gulls.

  2. 15 cents

    i dont get all the sudden hatred of sea gulls .. saying theyll go for babies is farcical. but to run a ‘national enquirer’ style headline is what i expect from the independent now .. the proof of how they are NOT a broadsheet is that their ‘news’ is in line with the effin Star.

    1. Rob_G

      In 1994, a seagull swooped down over the campsite in Lahinch and stole a fish from our barbecue.

      (i) What if you replaced the word ‘fish’ with ‘innocent baby’?

      (ii) That was 20 years ago – surely the seagulls methods have only become more devious in the meantime?

    1. Armitage Shanks

      Ugh…that terrible pun has already been done, if only there was some sort of bird that might swoop down and take me away in my embarrassment…..

        1. Someone

          I always associated Armitage Shanks with toilet bowls, I suppose that shows the type of comedy I like.

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