
With three €50 credit vouchers  for Deliveroo [online takeaway service] on offer we asked: how do YOU kill the average 32-minute waiting time for Deliveroo deliveries?

You answered in your dozens.


Kolmo: “During the average 32-minute wait for Deliveroo I like to collect and fashion a number of discarded pallets into the rudimentary fo’castle of HMS Pinafore and perform the finale scene (Act II) from the Pirates of Penzance with full orchestral backing and a singing macaque. I find it important to get the performance wrapped-up before 32 minutes as it makes the doorbell difficult to hear, causing unnecessary delay and, logically, a cold batter sausage.”

ZeligIsJaded: “During the average 32-minute wait for Deliveroo I like to warm my plates in the cookeroo. Then I feederoo my cockatoo, practice on me didgeridoo, check Six-One for the hullabaloo, and just sit back and wait for my vindaloo.”

Reppy:During the average 32-minute wait for Deliveroo I like to read an extensive article on the Fermi Paradox and consider how meaningless a 32 minute wait is in the entire length of time since the universe was created… and realise I forgot to order extra garlic mayo’

Thanks all

Yesterday: Roo The Day

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