Aodhan O Riordain, Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality and Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht with special responsibility for Equality, New Communities and Culture and Drugs Strategy

In the near future we’ll see,
If Aodhán can get each TD,
When speaking of joints,
To avoid scoring points,
And do the right thing, just agree.

John Moynes


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5 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

  1. rotide

    Wierd that BS didn’t pick up on this yesterday considering the deluge of ‘junkies on de street’ type comments. (possibly they did, i may have been distracted by the wimminz in the abbey)

    Great idea, hope it helps.

  2. phil

    I hope there is some progress, at least for people who suffer chronic pain and the huff helps … But I suspect that during an election cycle this will never happen …

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