The Breaking Bad Wide Shot


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A supercut by Spanish film editor Jorge Luengo Ruiz. To wit:

In a interview for AMC, extraordinary cinematographer Michael Slovis, ASC, said: “The wide shots people refer to as Breaking Bad shots. Directors will say, “Let’s do the Breaking Bad wide shot,” which in television is not something that you very often see.” This video is a compilation of all them.


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13 thoughts on “The Breaking Bad Wide Shot

  1. JogOn

    I ask in complete ignorance, what is so impressive about these wide shots? Are they particularly difficult to execute? They may sound like loaded questions, but I’m genuinely just interested in why this is remarkable & I’m sure the cinematographers among us are in the know.

    1. rotide

      They aren’t really that remarkable. They’re just slightly unusual outside of feature films.

      Think of breaking bad as the TV show equivalent to Wes Anderson with all the hipster fawning that comes with that and this ‘supercut’ (or montage for the educated) makes a bit more sense.

    2. Happy Molloy

      well all I know is they look “good” but I can’t tell you why. first realised I liked the in No Country for old Men but maybe it’s more to do with the landscape which is similar to breaking bad

    3. Coco

      Slightly ahead of their time in recognising that TVs are big enough now to exploit techniques that used to be considered solely cinematic. The really innovative Breaking Bad shots were clipping a go-pro to something for a non-person POV, or shooting as if through something that isn’t really transparent.

    4. Domestos

      The format ratio also used to come into play pre-wide screen TVs. The aspect ratio for TV, 4:3, was a lot “squarer” than the wider a 35mm film shot (3:2). So landscapes (horizontal obviously) look better on film than on TV. Also in CU two shots on TV the two characters would need to be stand right in each others faces for you to get the shot. I think the wider aspect ratio, the more it resembles our own field of vision.

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