Who Says Romance Is Dead?



He does.

No nonsense mediator Paul Campbell (top) of Dublin-based Family Separation Services with a deal for post-Valentine’s Day warring couples.

Family Separation Services (Facebook)

Thanks Garthicus

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16 thoughts on “Who Says Romance Is Dead?

    1. Neilo

      Club ties have never really gone out of fashion. Even in the slim version, you’ll see the odd diagonal stripe configuration. I agree that the colours are awful, though.

      1. Dόn 'The Unstoppable Force' Pídgéόní

        He likes capitalising on made up days but not in a logical way for words

  1. The Real Jane

    Or, in fact, any legal team.

    Whatever their faults, no solicitor would advertise themselves with such slipshod writing. That fella’s looking for 100 snots off you – half price for you doing the proofreading.

  2. RonanF

    He’s not a solicitor.

    Just had a look at his FB page, scary stuff. He’s a diploma in family law from the Law Society. His mission is to ‘assist those who cannot afford the means of a family law solicitor’ – yet he’s charging €200 for a first consultation. Jay-sus!

  3. The Old Boy

    One of a worrying number of unqualified self-styled “McKenzie friends” who scalp desperate people with no hope of legal success, effectively practicing without qualification for extortionate fees. They play into the hands of those members of the legal profession who are digging their heels in over necessary reforms.

    1. The Old Boy

      A McKenzie friend is someone who assists a litigant who is otherwise without legal representation. They are not allowed to speak on the litigant’s behalf in Court. It is not a licence to practice without qualification, though there are people who make a living out of offering such services.

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