31 thoughts on “De Sunday Papers

  1. Harry Molloy

    I wonder is Pride turning into a bit of a Paddy’s Day affair?
    I was passing through the Central Bank Plaza today and it was covered in teenagers in rainbow flags and face paint, all lushing and puking and screaming, just as you’d see on March 17th , just using it as an excuse I suppose, not gay kids either, saw enough of them scoring a member of the opposite sex to know that.
    I suppose it’s a good thing, the ultimate acceptance when you can convince a large part of the population to get pissed and party in your honour :-)

    1. some old queen

      Yes Pride is becoming a very common affair. No gay kids and their friends near Central Bank what so ever.

      1. Harry Molloy

        I didn’t imply that, just stated there’s a bunch of kids getting rat arsed off the back of it.
        it’s not to do with Pride really, just the kids who like getting hammered. Probably would have done the same myself

      1. Harry Molloy

        RP , any time I see your comments you’re taking a pop at people, irony withstanding, is everything OK?

    2. Starina

      ah there’s always gangs of teenagers that come in for pride and get locko. it can be annoying because, for instance, it makes you feel less safe standing out the back of the Front Lounge because you don’t know if the sk#nger kids are gonna kick off or not.

      1. ,Anomanomanom

        posted by mistake. ……innocent people being killed is not a good thing to use as a point.

    1. Janet, I ate my avatar

      naturally, if you had any you wouldn’t post vicious little comments on the Internet

  2. Billy Kremlin

    Town was full so of pissed up teenagers yesterday. Saw a hilarious, if not a little frightening, fight among two groups on Jervis street. Both groups wearing pride face paint etc and kicking lumps out of each other.
    It’s a shame as they clearly weren’t taking part in the event in a meaningful way. It’s just become Paddys Day lite.

  3. Charlie

    Any aul exuse for a piss up. That’s what we do best. It will be scumbag central in a year or two.

    1. some old queen

      Any parade which brings 70k people onto the streets is bound to attract a small minority of troublemakers. Of course there are those who will nit pick because they just don’t like fact for one day of the year, they are in the minority. The skangers will not over run this celebration for one basic reason, they are for the most part straight.

      The last word on the behavior of the people celebrating Pride should be with the Gaurds. There is never any violence in or near the gay venues, apart from homophobes. I am pretty certain that the amount of incidents in comparison to Paddys day is very low.

          1. Harry Molloy

            yeah likewise
            and I suppose the defensiveness is understood given all
            happy pride to all anyway

    1. sǝɯǝɯʇɐpɐq

      Your comment is very confusing to people like myself martco. Did we win or not?

  4. Frilly Keane

    The Brits have really shat themselves

    Now if we’d any half daycent Minister for Foreign Affairs and a Minister for Finance that was in anyway arsed we’d have a fair shot at some of that City of London action

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