8 thoughts on “About That ‘Digital First’ Strategy

  1. ivan

    Anybody interested in how journalism is going down the pan ought to read Flat Earth News by Nick Davies. It’s truly depressing. The only thing is that what John O point out isn’t new. It’s been going to hell for ages now. Just digital ain’t helping.

      1. ivan

        “they cut back on the standard of journalism…you won’t believe what happened next” etc etc etc

  2. postmanpat

    John Olivers faux outrage shtick gets old fast. His show is simply: 1: raise awareness of an issue that is obviously bad objectively . 2: Flap Flap Flap 3: Smug audience claps and cheers , feels good about themselves but does nothing to change anything. 4: JO offers silly but no practical suggestion to change anything, instead lets talk about Trump!!! 5: repeat steps 1 through 4. 6: Show renewal : 7: profits for John Oliver HBO. 8: Nothing changes.

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