30 thoughts on “Bad Buoy Of Darts

  1. Harry Molloy

    Causing huge disruption feels like a big thing to have accomplished to these scrotes, they achieve nothing so look to activities like this to make their mark.

    need chemical castration etc

    1. Starina

      or, you know, social support from the government in the form of jobs training and activities so that there’s some hope in their lives of more than getting high and getting laid. but like, potato potahto

      1. Harry Molloy

        we have excellent social supports in this country, we really do

        no excuse for being anti social

        1. forfeckssake

          Are you suggesting that working class people commit more crimes simply because they are bad people?

      2. Turgenev

        Noticeboxes. I saw a family with two huge twin prams and a raging mass of little ASBO-fuellers the other day, travelling down the travelator in Lidl after doing a massive shop. Just for fun, one of the delayed-adolescent dads hits the Stop button, stopping the thing for about three-quarters of an hour for everyone else while they romped off giggling. They obviously thought this made them Che Guevara.

        1. Jack Ascinine

          Now if that was me when I was young, and I did that, my parents would have made me carry the bags of every person that needed to use the escalator down it until it was fixed. And they’d be damn right.

  2. Daisy Chainsaw

    I’d have sent the little scrotes to fetch it back. Their runners would probably have grounded them. Idiots who mess with ringbuoys deserve to be repeatedly beaten in the nuts with it.

  3. Whoop Whoop

    While they’re right not to touch it, the rope is likely an insulator and is perfectly safe to touch. However if it is wet, that’s another matter!

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