15 thoughts on “S’Up?

      1. andyourpointiswhatexactly?

        I bought that single when it came out.
        I’ve always been ahead of the curve where music is concerned.

        1. Clampers Outside!

          Ah singles…. my first single was a second hand Cliff Richard 7″ that I went splits with my older brother on in the English Market in Cork while on holidays to my Aunt. My Aunt wasn’t much on vinyl, so we had to wait a week ’til we got home to Galway to stick it on a record player :)

          Simpler times wha… :)
          No, can’t recall what the track was, damn it…

          1. andyourpointiswhatexactly?

            I think this and Band Aid were my first.
            I also got the Kids from Fame album, with which you got a free badge which I lost on the bus home. Disaster. I still get a pang in my heart when I think about it.

  1. Turgenev

    Give ‘im a kiss, love. He’ll turn into a prince, singing Brek-kek-kek-kex, coax, coax, coax, coax, coax.

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