10,000 Missing Children




Bray Refugee Solidarity Group writes:

Children as young as six are travelling alone in Europe. They have fled war and famine, witnessed the bloody murder of family and friends.

Yet 10,000 of these children are currently missing in Europe – many trafficked into sex slavery and other forms of exploitation. Tens of thousands more are at risk of a similar fate.

We demand that the EU takes immediate action to protect this most vulnerable group of people.

By signing our petition [below], you are putting pressure on the EU to take immediate action to ensure that unaccompanied and separated children are guaranteed safety and protection for their basic rights.

You are demanding that they receive access to basic nutrition, health care, education and legal assistance.

You are imploring the EU states to treat cases of missing unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children with the urgency and seriousness they would any other child.

You are refusing to look the other way, while this ethically indefensible human rights breach of the most vulnerable people on the continent takes place.

Read the detailed petition and its demands here

10,000 Missing Children (Facebook)

Thanks Caroline Reid

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45 thoughts on “10,000 Missing Children

  1. Eammon Clancy

    Lads, the roads are bad enough with all the bandwagons. Yeah it’s terrible, but enough with the petitions, hah? It’s just the same as patting yourself on the back.

    1. Turgenev

      Yeah, who cares about missing children. It’s your child? Oh, sorry, but I have other things to think about. Too many causes, buddy.

        1. Zuppy International

          Oh I’m sorry. I thought that’s what you abortionists wanted: the right to dispose of unwanted children without remorse or consequence.

          1. Bob

            You realise if those kids are sold into prostitution and become pregnant, they’ll be forced to have abortions whether they want to or not? So if you really are pro-life, you’d be campaigning for them instead of being a twit.

          2. newsjustin

            Moyest. She’s just making a silly claim that pro-life people care for the unborn at the exclusion of other children. It’s a nonsense argument that simply serves to make the person making it smug and self satisfied that pro life people are terrible.

            It’s just the other sign of the coin to some proliferation people who say that pro-choice people hate babies.

          3. MoyestWithExcitement

            “She’s just making a silly claim that pro-life people care for the unborn at the exclusion of other children.”

            No, she’s rightly pointing out that you guys don’t believe in any of your “principles”. Those “principles” serve only to let you delude yourself into thinking you’re superior, that you have the moral highground over others.

            You; “Won’t someone think of the unborn babies being destroyed by their mothers and abortion clinics?”

            World; “Hey, fella. Did you hear about the 10,000 missing children fleeing a war zone?”

            You; “Fupp’em. Blah blah, immigrants, blah blah think of the homeless, blah blah, Muslims, blah blah, spongers”

          4. The Real Jane

            *Moyest. She’s just making a silly claim that pro-life people care for the unborn at the exclusion of other children.*

            Quite wrong. I’m saying that you don’t care about any children at all and that all your hand wringing about poor ikkle babies is really just a wafer thin cover for your real concern – controlling women. When a chance to care for actual children in dire and extreme circumstances arises, contrary to your self proclaimed SAVIOURS OF CHILDREN stance, you take any opportunity to avoid doing anything at all, even murmuring sympathy for their plight.

          5. newsjustin

            “….delude yourself into thinking you’re superior…”

            That’s precisely what you’ve done there by claiming pro life people don’t believe in any of their own principles and precisely what The Real Jane has done in claiming that pro life people don’t care about missing children. You really, really need to look in the mirror Moyest.

            “You: “Fupp’em. Blah blah, immigrants, blah blah think of the homeless, blah blah, Muslims, blah blah, spongers”

            How dare you you assume my opinions on any of these matters and try to suggest I’m anti-immigrant, or anti-Muslim. That’s a disgusting piece of unwarranted and unfair mud throwing, even from you Moyest.

          6. newsjustin

            Jane – do you assume my position on every topic I don’t comment on.

            I’ve never mentioned that I’m against slavery. So clearly I’m a big fan of it, yeah? That’s how it works, right?

          7. MoyestWithExcitement

            “That’s precisely what you’ve done there by claiming pro life people don’t believe in any of their own principles”

            I know you are but what am I? That’s your response? That’s pretty weak, even for you. It’s also total nonsense.

            “How dare you you assume my opinions on any of these matters”

            Oh, you’re offended about how I’m characterising you? Why don’t you insist I use the word ‘destroy’ instead of ‘ending the life of’ again? You have no problem mischaracterising parents and anyone who supports their right to choose. Maybe you’ll remember how you feel right now next time you do it.

        1. MoyestWithExcitement

          What’s it like being so bitter and depressed that people wanting to be nice offends you? Do you really hate yourself that much?

        2. Bob

          Who’d have thought it was wrong to care. I really wish I could enjoy children going missing in order to feel smug.

          1. MoyestWithExcitement

            Trust me, they don’t feel smug. They’d have to have a high opinion of themselves for that.

        3. Nigel

          Imagine if you won. Imagine if people stopped caring because every time they tried to care about something you popped up and accused them of competing for a ‘most caring award.’ Or other people convinced them that apathy was cooler. What a victory that would be.

          1. Tony

            Imagine if people stopped thinking that posting a video, sharing a tweet, or wearing a t-shirt was the same as actually trying to fix things the real world. Imagine if people has to help rather than just show they cared. What a victory that would be.

          2. Nigel

            Imagine if every generation had a new way of engaging with the world and expressing their thoughts and feelings about things they are otherwise powerless to affect except in displays of support and awareness. Imagine if these didn’t satisfy the arbitrary demands of people who police other people’s compassion and create arbitrary standards of behaviour in order to express their own cynicism in such a way as to make themselves seem more compassionate even as they seek to criticise expressions of compassion in others. Except we don’t have to imagine because here you are.

  2. Tadhg

    These figures are based on a gross misinterpretation of statistics. The first reason many landing in Italy claim to be underage is that they cannot be repartriated under Italian law, many disappear of their own accord after this process. Dental and wrist bone X-rays in Norway and a similar percentage in Sweden have shown that 9 out of 10 refugee children are in fact over 18. Many lie about their age as unaccompanied minors have their asylum applications fast tracked and they receive immediate housing and benefits. Hostel owners in the burgeoning refugee industry are also complicit in this as they receive extra funding for minors. When their cases for asylum are rejected they disappear into the ether.

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