The Dog Ate Your Wages




Geoffraffe writes:

A huge number of teachers were not paid today. When the payroll sector was contacted they said it was due to a backlog in processing appointments over the summer. Some teachers may not be paid for 6 weeks!!! It’s not as if they didn’t know that teachers would be appointed. This happens every year. This is the public sector that we work in.


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28 thoughts on “The Dog Ate Your Wages

    1. Sheik Yahbouti

      Fairly typical of the smug smart arses we appear to have bred for a couple of generations now. No empathy, no social conscience – nothing – “ME, ME, ME”

      1. cluster

        Donagh’s language & presentation is rather embarrassing for somebody who will presumably be a model within his community.

        The Department, on the other hand, are a disgrace. There is no possible excuse for not being prepared for this & processing these payments on time.

      2. Sheik Yahbouti

        For the avoidance of doubt (although I’m amazed there is any doubt) my remark above was directed at Phlegm whose comment appears first.

    1. Daisy Chainsaw

      Isn’t it always? Shower of temps and fupping morons who don’t know their arses from their elbows. It’s an insult to incompetent to call them incompetent.

  1. Liam from Lixnaw

    So on facebooks, If i give this a thumbs or a like, does it mean that I am happy with or approve of the situation this chap finds himself in?

    1. Sheik Yahbouti

      Don’t do it! No reasonable person could, or should, approve of the situation this young man is in.

  2. Turgenev

    If a teacher is good enough to teach your kids for a year, he’s good enough to have a permanent, pensionable job, not an insecure series of rolling contracts.

    Donagh’s English in the casual usage normal for Facebook is just fine, Miss Thistlebottom.

    1. Starina

      you’d think so, wouldn’t you? here, shape our future generation’s minds, but only get contracts for it.

      1. The Real Jane

        Yeah, I mean, primary teaching courses still attract students with very high CAO points. How long can this continue when, not only is there no actual proper job at the end, you also don’t get paid for your temporary contract job?

        1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

          The girl with the highest points in the country in the Leaving this year is off to Mary I this autumn.

  3. Mic

    He can get a job as a clamper if he’s not happy. They get paid great commission on top of a decent basic. An you can choose to be paid daily, weekly or monthly. Amazing.

    1. mildred st. meadowlark

      And if you found yourself in a situation where you’re unpaid for six weeks I’m quite sure you would be every bit as level headed. Being the paragon that you so clearly are. What a penisy attitude.

  4. Joe Small

    Should be some sort of interim payments made and penalties and interest afterwards. Just not good enough.

  5. Owen

    This is actually appalling treatment. Its completely unacceptable. If HR can’t get through the back log then they should not let people go on leave during that period, or take more staff in. Who’s the minister of education? Need to stop looking for friends and crack the whip (like all the ministers!).

    How can Donagh be expected to work with a positive attitude for free? If I arrived into work on pay day to find I had nothing in the account I would be tools down. If they didn’t pay me the following day Id be on sick leave.

    How can anyone expect to pay a mortgage without certainty of a wage coming in! Appalling crap.

  6. Nikkeboentje

    Come to Luxembourg, the average wage for a school teacher is €90,000. However, you need to speak Luxembourgish, German and French.

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