






NO REPRO FEE 25/11/2016 Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment hosted a Women Rising 2016 Rally today in Dublin. Pictured at the lunchtime rally ‘Women Rising in Solidarity 2016’ on Rosie Hackett Bridge, Dublin were, from left, Sarah Francis, Lucy Watmough, six-year-old Isis Pendergast and her mother Rachel. The rally was organised to demand that the Irish Government take action to respect and protect women’s lives, health and choices. Supporters were encouraged to wear black and tweet their support using #Black4Repeal. The rally is one of two Irish events that took place today (25.11.2016) as part of an international day of support for women in countries where abortion is banned or difficult to access. Some of the countries participating around the world include Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Italy.  PHOTO: Mark Stedman

NO REPRO FEE 25/11/2016 Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment hosted a Women Rising 2016 Rally today in Dublin. Pictured at the lunchtime rally ‘Women Rising in Solidarity 2016’ on Rosie Hackett Bridge are German students studying at Trinity College, Tara Knegt, left, and Theresa Henn. The two women found it amazing that is an issue in a country preceived to be as adavance socially as Ireland. The rally was organised to demand that the Irish Government take action to respect and protect women’s lives, health and choices. Supporters were encouraged to wear black and tweet their support using #Black4Repeal. The rally is one of two Irish events that took place today (25.11.2016) as part of an international day of support for women in countries where abortion is banned or difficult to access. Some of the countries participating around the world include Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Italy.  PHOTO: Mark Stedman

NO REPRO FEE 25/11/2016 Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment hosted a Women Rising 2016 Rally today in Dublin. The lunchtime rally ‘Women Rising in Solidarity 2016’ on Rosie Hackett Bridge. The rally was organised to demand that the Irish Government take action to respect and protect women’s lives, health and choices. Supporters were encouraged to wear black and tweet their support using #Black4Repeal. The rally is one of two Irish events that took place today (25.11.2016) as part of an international day of support for women in countries where abortion is banned or difficult to access. Some of the countries participating around the world include Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Italy.  PHOTO: Mark Stedman

NO REPRO FEE 25/11/2016 Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment hosted a Women Rising 2016 Rally today in Dublin. Pictured at the lunchtime rally ‘Women Rising in Solidarity 2016’ on Rosie Hackett Bridge, Dublin was six-year-old Isis Pendergast and her mother Rachel, left. The rally was organised to demand that the Irish Government take action to respect and protect women’s lives, health and choices. Supporters were encouraged to wear black and tweet their support using #Black4Repeal. The rally is one of two Irish events that took place today (25.11.2016) as part of an international day of support for women in countries where abortion is banned or difficult to access. Some of the countries participating around the world include Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Italy.  PHOTO: Mark Stedman

NO REPRO FEE 25/11/2016 Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment hosted a Women Rising 2016 Rally today in Dublin. Pictured at the lunchtime rally ‘Women Rising in Solidarity 2016’ on Rosie Hackett Bridge, Dublin was Trinity College Dublin student Stacey Wrenn from Limerick. The rally was organised to demand that the Irish Government take action to respect and protect women’s lives, health and choices. Supporters were encouraged to wear black and tweet their support using #Black4Repeal. The rally is one of two Irish events that took place today (25.11.2016) as part of an international day of support for women in countries where abortion is banned or difficult to access. Some of the countries participating around the world include Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Italy.  PHOTO: Mark Stedman

This afternoon.

Scenes from today’s Women Rising rally in Dublin, arranged by Coalition to Repeal the 8th, taken by Mark Stedman.

Mark writes:

The rally was organised to demand that the Irish Government take action to respect and protect women’s lives, health and choices. Supporters were encouraged to wear black and tweet their support using #Black4Repeal.

The rally is one of two Irish events that took place today as part of an international day of support for women in countries where abortion is banned or difficult to access. Some of the countries participating around the world include Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Poland, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Italy.

Coalition to Repeal the 8th

Mark Stedman

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23 thoughts on “#Black4Repeal

        1. Sheik Yahbouti

          But it isn’t funny, “Tony”. A trolling opportunity for you can also be a very serious matter for a real human being. Do you see the problem?

  1. norman bates

    it’s weird seeing the children that wouldnt exist if abortion on demand was legal campaign for abortion on demand, guess they’re pulling up the ladder behind them

    1. Daisy Chainsaw

      How do you know they wouldn’t exist if there was abortion on demand? Are the populations where abortion on demand is available on the verge of extinction?

    2. Sheik Yahbouti

      You have chosen a very suitable name, dearie. Norman was a REAL mysogynist – one who was prepared to act! – is that you, Norman?

      1. Daisy Chainsaw

        Didn’t Norman have sexual relations with his mother?

        That would explain a lot about this one too.

      1. Daisy Chainsaw

        You have to buy a subscription to comment on the Irish Times, so they come here and troll for free.

    1. Tony

      Its the Trump effect? The racists have taken courage from his victory and are alt righting all over the place.

    2. Sheik Yahbouti

      I ‘m with you Ricky. You find a forum that’s fun, modern, and just occasionally discussion issues which might be regarded as vaguely ‘political’. Hours later the FG ‘frape room’ people arrive and that’s effectively the end of the forum. It happened to the Journal, although they still remain good numbers, but as a forum for actual debate – forget it. This is the Brave New World.

    1. Lady GArden-GArden

      That’s just daft. Why not just use humour and satire to take the michael out of a tiresome bunch of reactionary gender/identity politics dinner party Prada Meinhof shower of Prosecco-drinking D6/D8 ladygardens who have nothing but contempt for real people anyway?

      A black jumper with REPEAT would be good.

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