
Are you in London?

The London Irish Abortion Rights Campaign team writes:

We are is thrilled to announce an incredible comedic line-up for our Stand Up for Choice fundraising event next month.

Father Ted creator Graham Linehan and panel show regular Sarah Pascoe are among those performing and the spectacular Tiffany Stevenson will be acting as MC for the night on March 28th In the Irish Arts Centre, Camden…

Tickets on sale here

London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign

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22 thoughts on “Pro Laugh

          1. Kieran NYC

            Except when you sign up to get the notification emails, it says John Preposterous when you comment

            Rumbled! :)

        1. And Social Justice For All

          zuppy is pure clickbait gold
          If Bodger could create ten zuppies he might get minimum wage this month

    1. Daisy Chainsaw

      It’s not free. It’s included in the ticket price.

      The raffle has a tin of USA biscuits and a BOGOF voucher for a BFPA clinic.

      1. And Social Justice For All

        Its not “included ”

        Gosh they just give you a wire hanger and directions to the alley where the backstage door is

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