14 thoughts on “She Fixed The Road

  1. Ben Redmond

    I think it’s ceramic abstract expressionism with tarmac added, but how do you get it into an art gallery?


    If I was comedian Sarah Silverman they could be construed as nazi symbols, but I’m not, so they aren’t

      1. Clampers Outside!

        Sarah Silverman spotted builders’ utility markings on a New York pavement and flipped out thinking they were swastikas….

        No. That’s not a joke.

        She was triggered into a near histrionic twitter fit… https://twitter.com/SarahKSilverman/status/830923187479277568
        The responses are brilliant! :)

        Silverman’s later admission is hilarious, trying to make it look like she’s not really responsible for being triggered like a fool…. claiming she sees swastikas everywhere…
        Someone should tell her that’s not an excuse, it’s an admission to being so removed from reality, she’s seeing things and is literally caught in some paranoid like loop of her own.

        No joke… total meltdown…
        (yes, i know this next link is from the Mail… it is real)…

        1. bleeschmn

          God,imagine thinking that people would grafitti a swastika somewhere. She’s clearly living in a fantasy land.
          I mean, take the piss, sure, but her mistake doesn’t mean the frequently grafittied swastikas don’t exist.

          1. Clampers Outside!

            Admission to seeing them everywhere though… as a defence… not a comedic comeback, but as a defence….. :)

            That’s full on socially cocooned delusion right there, right there, right there, right there, right there, right there…..

            LOLS !

        2. Kieran NYC

          “it’s an admission to being so removed from reality, she’s seeing things and is literally caught in some paranoid like loop of her own.”

          Physician, heal thyself.

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