54 thoughts on “Jeepers Leaker Where’d You Get Those Sneakers?

    1. Yeah, Ok

      When did the left have the meeting where they decided to incorrectly appropriate the word snowflake? It makes very little sense in this context.

      1. pedyew

        Alt right types are sensitive souls who throw hissy fits at anything they see as liberal propaganda. Which is most things because a lot of them are actual, not figurative, nazis.

        1. Yeah, Ok

          That doesn’t answer my question. The word snowflake is derived from the idea that those on the left feel that everyone is unique and special, particularly in relation to things like gender identity and individuality. This is patently not applicable to the ‘alt-right’, universally characterised as a uniform band of mainly middle to lower class white men.
          Anyone using it on the left looks like they’re trying to be smug and clever but it just looks stupid tbh. It obviously hit a nerve since there’s a clearly concerted effort to twist the word into something entirely different.
          I’m not ‘alt-right’ at all btw, it’s just an irritating observation.

          1. Nigel

            Jeez, it’s a mild but common term of disparagement turned back on the people who like to use it, which is a thing that happens to people who like to over-use particular terms of disparagement far beyond the point of cliche. I’m fond of the term ‘broflakes’ myself.

          2. Yeah, Ok

            Well all I’m saying is that the people who use it in this way sound like they have no idea what they’re talking about. And it’s hard to take the high moral ground when pithy ad hominems are the first port of call, particularly if they’re just plain wrong and when there wasn’t even an argument in the first place!

          3. Nigel

            Y’know what, I’ll just go ahead and agree that it’s an awful pity we’re in danger of forgetting the real meaning of ‘snowflake.’

          4. Listrade

            Just to clear the snowflake bit up for you, Dav is using the term correctly. It was derived as a derogatory term for a whole generation, not just one political side. It can be applied to anyone who is less resilient and prone to taking offence.

            It was appropriated by the right in the face of some liberal meltdowns, but its original use was first against anyone who became an “adult in the 2010s” and then anyone prone to meltdowns in general.

        2. Clampers Outside

          And who are and how big is this group you call alt right I do wonder…

          if it is people in Europe who oppose further unchecked Muslim immigration, for example, then that would be over half of Europeans according to last year’s Chatham House research on immigration attitudes. It’s kinda hard to determine what an “alt right type” is. so maybe you could elaborate seeing you know them so well, thanks. I would appreciate it as it seems rather a vague assertion, a bit like calling people “nazis”… silly without an explanation as to what has warranted the label.

          1. realPolithicks

            I would have thought that you’d be well positioned to give a definition of “alt right” there Clampers.

          2. Turgenev

            “Muslim immigration”? Would that be like the “Catholic immigration” ranted against by the 19th- and early-20th-century WASPS in the United States?

            To my mind, immigrants are people, not religions. Lots of different people, with lots of different values, attitudes and behaviour; but most of them ordinary decent people who just want to mind their families.

          3. MoyestWithExcitement

            “if it is people in Europe who oppose further unchecked Muslim immigration”

            Yeah, need to check those sneaky Muslims. You definitely aren’t a far right racist.

        1. Yeah, Ok

          This is exactly the type of awful guff that makes people anti-left.
          I’m as much a lefty as they come, but because I questioned you I’m a Nazi? What kind of stupidity is that? Not everyone who voted for Trump is a Nazi, the same as not everyone who voted for Brexit or Le Pen is.
          Accusing a huge percentage of the western world of being Nazis just because you assume that everything you think is necessarily the only good and right thing is insanity.

          1. mildred st. meadowlark


            A well made point. The world is always shades of grey, for all we prefer to see it in black and white.

          2. Janet, I ate my avatar

            it’s not a comment feed until someone is accused of being Hitler

          3. Listrade

            Shades of grey in all political views, but there is an irony in stating “This is exactly the type of awful guff that makes people anti-left.” and grouping the whole of the left into one singular group while asking for a nuanced view of the right.

          4. MoyestWithExcitement

            “This is exactly the type of awful guff that makes people anti-left.”

            That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today. It’s YOUR fault if you support the far right. And getting upset that people are using the word snowflake? And claiming the far right own it? What a precious little snowflake you are. You right wingers are just a bunch of entitled, whiny toddlers.

          5. Yeah, Ok

            But Moyesty, look what you’ve done there… I’m NOT a right winger, I don’t support the far right, I’m not one of these ‘snowflakes’ you refer to; I’m not a Nazi as more than one person has called me now. You have gone straight to attacking me without any semblance of a rebuttal. You are the worst of the left. I identify as left wing on every single social issue and I still think a lot of the mouthpieces for those causes are bloody awful people because they treat any dissent with direct attacks and attempts to destroy their opposition by any means, just like what you and others have just done. Several of the regular commenters here jump straight into a fight at the slightest deviation from their own narrow viewpoint. That’s not how to win people over – it pushes people away.
            Can’t all you who commented against me see that you’re actually proving my point? Because I’m not entirely 100% agreeing with you I’m a literal Nazi, some ‘snowflake’ monster… that is bananas.
            Listrade, nowhere did I group the left into one. I stand by the claim that this Hitler guff and other crap like it turns people off left-wing ideologies. It’s not a surprise – many of the Trump/Brexit/Le Pen supporters came straight out and said they voted against the left option rather than for the right.

          6. mildred st. meadowlark

            Get out now, while you’re ahead my friend. It’s not worth it. Really.

          7. MoyestWithExcitement

            You *still* sore about being called out for your behaviour? It’s been 2 weeks. You’re just embarassing yourself now.

          8. mildred st. meadowlark

            Seriously Moyest get a grip of yourself.

            You’d fight with a paper bag if you thought it would make you feel good.

            It is less exhausting and frustrating trying to reason The Child out of a tantrum than it is to engage with you.

            Have a nice day, and I’m done. I don’t need a headache.

          9. MoyestWithExcitement

            Your child comment is ironic considering you are behaving exactly like one. And the fact you butted in to an argument that didn’t involve you to make an ad-hom attack on me and then try and claim the moral highground when I respond speaks volumes about you.

          10. mildred st. meadowlark

            Risking sounding like a hypocrite there Moyest, but do carry on. I’m sure you’ve never ever butted in on anything ever.

            Ha. Coffee time.

          11. MoyestWithExcitement

            “I’m NOT a right winger”

            You’re doing a very good impression of one with your pushing of petulant far right narratives like blaming The Left for people being far right and getting upset that non far right people are using the word ‘snowflake’ because the far right own it, apparently. ‘The left are big smelly pooheads who are stealing from the far right and they MAKE people far right….what? No, I’m a lefty.’ If a 12 year old came up with that argument, I’d be telling his parents not to bother saving up for university. Seriously.

          12. Yeah, Ok

            Well can you explain the rise of the far right in any other way? Do you think that three of the biggest countries in the developed world have been collectively harbouring hundreds of millions of actual Nazis for all this time and now they’re all coming out of the woodwork? Do you REALLY think everyone who voted that way is a Nazi?

          13. MoyestWithExcitement

            “Well can you explain the rise of the far right in any other way?”

            There ya go. That didn’t take long. It’s all the fault of them damn lefties. I mean, you’re implying that the voters are all insecure children who voted for the far right to spite people they think are judging them, you realise? I mean, neoliberal economics making people poorer and angrier MIGHT have had something to do with it but you go ahead and blame The Left like a lunatic.

          14. MoyestWithExcitement

            “I’m sure you’ve never ever butted in on anything ever.”

            No, I have never butted in to an argument to make a childish, ad hom attack on someone and then made an embarassing attempt to claim the moral highground when that someone didn’t like my ad hom attack on them. Think before posting, Mildred. Or stick to talking about biscuits. Less likely to look like a patronising idiot that way.

        2. Listrade

          @ Yeah Ok, we agree, I’ve said similar. But just look at these statements from you:

          “The word snowflake is derived from the idea that those on the left feel that everyone is unique and special,”
          “This is patently not applicable to the ‘alt-right’,”
          “Anyone using it on the left looks like they’re trying to be smug”
          “I’m not ‘alt-right’ at all btw,”

          You group an opposing opinion into “the left”, but you qualify “alt-right” with quotation marks.

          I agree with you, but there are equally disparate groups on the left and not one common “left”.

          That is what weakens the argument. Every one over there are snowflake, screeching lefties, but the right are nuanced, varied and not all nazis.

          1. Yeah, Ok

            The reason I qualified ‘alt-right’ is because as I said above I classify them as a fairly homogenous group of white men, while “the right” is not one group, in the same way “the left” is not one group. The left as a whole is however, because of the behaviour of many of its more vocal subsections, collectively rejected by many people who end up lumped into the right (not alt-right) and because of this facilitate the rise of radical right wing views by swelling their perceived numbers. When all we hear of is the extreme left and extreme right huge numbers of people will take a position just right of centre as many people, especially older people, will traditionally lean conservative. This is shown by almost every democratic country being governed by moderate conservative governments for most of their existence. This is not a controversial or unusual viewpoint but I’ve been vilified for pointing it out and been painted as some right wing lunatic, thereby proving the point.

          2. Listrade

            “The left as a whole is however, because of the behaviour of many of its more vocal subsections”

            Boom. Thank you and goodnight.

          3. MoyestWithExcitement

            “This is not a controversial or unusual viewpoint but I’ve been vilified for pointing it out and been painted as some right wing lunatic, thereby proving the point.”

            Why don’t you talk about 3 dimensional chess as well and cross another one off the list? Right wingers always think they’re martyrs. Your opinions are stupid. That’s why you get called out. Own your behaviour.

          4. MoyestWithExcitement

            “When all we hear of is the extreme left and extreme right huge numbers of people will take a position just right of centre”

            That is your personal perception. Your perception is influenced by your biases. You THINK everyone leans right as a reaction to extremism. That is because you view right wing ideology and posturing very favourably. You were definitely lying when you called yourself a lefty.

          5. Yeah, Ok

            I never said everyone leans right. I said huge numbers of people will. This is borne out by voting patterns everywhere. It’s objective fact. If it isn’t then why isn’t the US permanently run by the Democrats, the UK by Labour, Ireland by anyone other than FG/FF?
            If people are labelled Nazis for disagreeing on anything you can’t be surprised when they don’t side with you on anything else.
            I have no bias to the right at all. It says a lot about you that you’re insisting I do.
            If you engaged in some critical analysis of yourself you’d see that you’re not always right. The world would be a much nicer place for everyone if it wasn’t for people like you insisting if we’re not with you on every little thing we’re quite literally Nazis.

          6. MoyestWithExcitement

            “This is borne out by voting patterns everywhere. It’s objective fact. If it isn’t then why isn’t the US permanently run by the Democrats, the UK by Labour, Ireland by anyone other than FG/FF?”

            Well why aren’t they permanently under control of the GOP in the US and the Tories in the UK? Because huge numbers of people lean left in times of extremism? See how easy it is? Your personal perception is not objective reality. People like you who mistake your personal feelings for reality are a huge problem for us all.

          7. Yeah, Ok

            That’s exactly the point I’ve just made! Why isn’t it permanently one side or the other? Because people vote in huge numbers on one side or the other. You accuse right wing voters of being Nazis, then why are they not always voting for Nazis? There’s no sense of nuance with you at all. People vote according to the issues affecting them at that time. Voting right once does not a Nazi make. Neither does voting right every time.
            Even though I’ve never voted right I’m both a Nazi and “a huge problem for us all”; does that bar me from voting left again? Do I have to go sign up for my Nazi party card? Should I wear some form of distinguishing mark on my lapel for you maybe? Wouldn’t that be delicious irony…

          8. MoyestWithExcitement

            “You accuse right wing voters of being Nazis”

            No I didn’t. *You* brought up the far right. *You* said that only people calling out far right racism can be blamed for the rise of far right racism, mitigating and diminishing far right exponents for their own actions. I said the rise can be blamed on neoliberalism. You are arguing against things nobody said; that’s the behaviour of an ideologica extremist.

            “You accuse right wing voters of being Nazis, then why are they not always voting for Nazis? There’s no sense of nuance with you at all.”

            You literally blamed “The Left” for the rise of the far right. Literally no nuance there at all. How do you not see that you are displaying all the behaviour you are complaining about?

            “Voting right once does not a Nazi make”

            Nobody said it did. This is some crazy rant you are on.

            “Even though I’ve never voted right I’m both a Nazi and “a huge problem for us all””

            You’re a right winger because the offence you took at “The Left” ‘stealing’ words from the far right and the fact you are excusing people voting for the far right by blaming “The Left” for ‘insulting’ them clearly shows you feel very symthapetic to the right and don’t like “The Left” at all. Your words mean things.

      1. pedyew

        I agree with both you except the parts about them being uncomfortable and crappy looking.

      2. mildred st. meadowlark

        I’m rather fond of my crappy knock-offs from Dunnes.

        Converse are overrated.

  1. Birneybau2

    You should get Beardy Moynes to do (I have seen above but am improving on it) an


  2. Peter Dempsey

    Open to correction but the following are things that alt right people do or have
    – Wear suits going to work
    – Have a mortgage rather than renting or squatting
    – Pay water charges
    – Have sympathy for the squeezed middle
    – Arent ashamed of being middle class
    – Arent too up their own arse to be friends with people they work with

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