A Limerick A Day


US president Donald Trump and North Korea South Kim Jong-un

Old Trump didn’t know what to do
When Kim’s latest test missile flew
So he begged the Chinese
To sort it out please
He’s such a strong leader. It’s true.

John Moynes

Pics: Getty

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4 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

  1. Spaghetti Hoop

    I actually thought it a great response. Kim really doesn’t have anything better to do.

    1. dav

      it would be a good line for a Dr Strangeglove-esqe movie, not for dealings between 2 nuclear powers with unstable leaders..

  2. nellyb

    “As U.S. Retires From World Leadership, China and Germany Step Up”
    “…The U.S. traditionally takes point in the search for common approaches to the big global issues of the day at G-20 summits. Not this time.When world leaders meet in Hamburg on Friday, China and Germany will move in to usurp the U.S.’s role…”

  3. mildred st. meadowlark

    It’s a damn sight better than his usual temper tantrum. Was he not on Twitter doing his thing, firing off ill-thought tweets to assuage his ego?

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