Found On The Number 14


Is this the ‘droid you’re looking for?

Seán Doyle writes:

Alcatel U5 found on the [Dublin Bus] 14 bus this morning.

It’s powered off so couldn’t take screen image and none comes up before the pattern lock.

I’m in city centre or Beaumont if it’s yours.


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5 thoughts on “Found On The Number 14

  1. seanydelight

    Presumed this would be faster. Someone on Reddit said same actually – but I figured it akin to loosing something in a taxi, and the lost/found with the carriage office being somewhat of a black-hole. (In my experience)

    1. Yowzah

      Pretty significant difference between Dublin Bus and whatever the collective name for the taxi trade is (answers on back of postcard please… )

  2. Mrs Rock

    Jesus you can’t try and do something good without being criticised… fair play trying to find the owner

  3. ross

    if you take out the SIM card from the phone you should be able to see which company the phones owner is with (Vodafone, Three etc). You can hand it into a store and they can determine who the owner is, from the number on the SIM card. Fair play on your efforts to get this back to the owner.

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