Tag Archives: Animal welfare


Last night.

My Lovely Horse rescue writes:

“We got a Facebook message about a poor little foal in Ballyfermot, it had been left all day abandoned in a horse box, no reg on the box.Locals called the authorities but because it was after 5pm an answering machine was all they could get. He was finally freed from the box, he was completely deformed from his rib cage to his two back legs. He dragged himself around using his front legs. Totally Heartbreaking…Vet made the decision to put the little guy asleep. He wouldn’t have had a chance and she felt that he was suffering.”




This is Bella.

Heather Ní Thomáis writes:

“This gorgeous girl was also tended to by My Lovely Horse Rescue this week and was clearly subjected to some absolutely sickening torture (possibly used as bait for dog fights?), and was found standing over her stillborn foal. When will horses stop being regarded as kicking posts?! Some seriously strict licensing laws need to be introduced. I grew up on a horse ranch in the US and seen some impatient horse-handling, but never have I seen horses killed, abandoned and mistreated like here in Ireland. I don’t know why this is tolerated.”

My Lovely Pony Rescue (Facebook)

DéiseDee writes:

As a former teacher who now works full time in dog welfare, I am disgusted and appalled at Irish Greyhound Board’s poster encouraging schools to do tours of Greyhound Stadiums.I see every day the results of an industry that uses these beautiful dogs as a commodity; dumping and often killing greyhounds that no
longer make money for their owners.

However, putting that aside, why are the IGB allowed to encourage schoolchildren to become the gamblers of tomorrow? Cigarettes and alcohol come with warnings and age restrictions, yet gambling can be freely promoted to underage children?

Given that Gamblers Anonymous now says that gambling addiction is at an all-time high in Ireland, I think this campaign is totally reprehensible. Schools should think of their student’s welfare and completely boycott this attempt to line the pockets of the IGB with blood money.

School Trips (Irish Greyhound Board)