Tag Archives: Billy Hutchinson


Mark Carruthers was joined by Billy Hutchinson (PUP), Alasdair McDonnell (SDLP) and Mike Nesbitt (UUP) on yesterday’s Sunday Politics for a discussion about flegs.

Billy Hutchinson, the leader of the Progressive Unionist Party repeated the claim he made on Friday that he is not a loyalist leader.

As to who put up the flegs, he said “it was Protestants who put them up.”

Previously: Any Fenians Will Do

Not On My Pole

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Progressive Unionist Party leader Billy Hutchinson has repeated his assertion in today’s Belfast News Letter that he has no regrets about his part in the sectarian murder of two half-brothers in 1974.

Edward Morgan (27) and Michael Loughran (18) were gunned down on the Falls Road in Belfast as they walked to work on the morning of October 21st.

During the murder trial, evidence was heard that the killers drove around and selected their victims randomly. Hutchinson served 15 years of a life sentence. He previously stated his lack of regret in Peter Taylor’s BBC documentary Loyalists in 1999 (above).

My murder of two Catholics helped prevent united Ireland – PUP leader Billy Hutchinson (Sam McBride, Belfast News Letter)



“Well you know I find it very rich that an American would tell us to think about a new fleg flag how they actually bow down to their flag. You know, from my point of view, you know, the Union Jack is the national flag of the country. I am British and I live in Britain. So, I don’t want to see a new flag or do I want to even be involved in trying to create one.”


Current PUP leader and former UVF member Billy Hutchinson with Noel Thompson on BBC One’s Spotlight last night.