Tag Archives: Homeless shelter

Marie O’Halloran, in The Irish Times, reports:

A family who say they are unable to cope with a 16-year-old son with Asperger’s and Autism Spectrum Disorder have complained that the authorities have placed him in a homeless hostel rather than an appropriate care setting.

Tom, not his real name, said his son had a breakdown, and that the homeless shelter in Dublin city centre was not the appropriate place for him.

“He is kicked out at 9am and cannot go back in until 5pm,” said Tom, who is concerned about his son mixing with drug addicts.

… Their son was suffering from such bad anxiety and bullying that he did not go back into secondary school last year for transition year. About three weeks ago, while living with his mother “he went really bad, he just lost it”.

Tom describes his son’s anxiety attacks as “horrific”.

“It’s like dealing with Jekyll and Hyde. He was roaring and shouting and kicking walls and he didn’t know why. My son has a psychiatric problem. He needs help, and there is no help out there.”

Gardaí were called, and John was arrested. He was then placed in the homeless shelter on July 24th, and has been there since apart from one night when he went back to his mother’s house but again “lost it”.

‘My child is invisible to the HSE as his problems are mental’ (The Irish Times)

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9/10 Fitzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2 and a letter sent to Dublin City Council objecting to proposals to open a Dublin Simon Community shelter for the homeless at the address

After reading the letter, Adam Ó Braonáin writes:

“Firstly the letter makes reference to the Simon Communities methadone program and safe needle advice services, provided as part of their emergency service framework.”

“It is no secret that Ireland has seen year on year increases in drug related issues and Simon are part of a larger network of organisations offering support and advice for addicts. Emergency units like the one currently on Harcourt St. provide support for those whom are attempting to battle the disease of addiction.”

“It is also important to note the other in-house services provided at Simon emergency locations, such as – Key working and care planning; life skills programme including group work and classes; service user participation programme; social programme, i.e. outings and in-house events; a nurse is available five days a week providing primary health care and health promotion, vaccinations, blood tests, family planning advice, smear tests and other health services; a doctor is available weekly at an in-house clinic; and a visiting counselling service.”

“These cover physical and mental health care, education and social inclusion all of which can viewed as critical to the preservation of life. If you feel that I am over exaggerating, I invite you to speak with a current or former service user, who have often told me, Simon saved their life.”

“Despite this proposed facility having the capacity to provide such a valuable service, the letter describes the establishment of this new unit as a “horrific scenario” where “all manner of person will be seeking a bed for the night”.”

“All manner of person? I assume they are referring to citizens, human beings, with hearts and minds! They say this will lead to a concentration of homeless people in the area, some of them drug users. The reality is that drug abuse is all around us. The substances which are being abused differ certainly. Some substances have more severe effects than others, but regardless, they are to be found in every walk of Irish life.”

“This is borne out in the figures. A recent report from the Health Research Board shows that deaths related to drug abuse have risen from 432 in 2014 to 633 in 2012 totalling 5,289 in the nine year period. This shows that the need for the services offered at facilities such as Simon on Harcourt St. which this new centre will replace, are ever increasing and as such should have the support of the community.”

“The letter also claims that the shelter will “drive residents and businesses out of the area resulting in once occupied premises being left vacant”. If vacant premises are indeed a bone of contention for residents and business owners then one would think that the utilisation and refurbishment of 9 and 10 Fitzwilliam St. would be viewed as a positive development, given that these buildings are currently vacant and in disrepair.”

“For me, this scenario is quite typical of some sections of society. You can sleep in doorways and shoot up in a dark entry on Fitzwilliam street, so long as you remain on the margins of society and out of sight. But sleep in a bed? Have your medical needs met? In full view, for us all to acknowledge and accept? Not a chance!”

Homelessness: Be part of the solution, not part of the problem (Adam Ó Braonáin)