Tag Archives: Kev Draws Art

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Kev McGuinness, above, of Kev Draws Art, writes:

I have recently started up a Facebook page for my illustrations and was wondering if it was possible to give it a bit of a plug. It started off with illustrating the place where I met my girlfriend. Then, visitors to our house started asking for illustrations of their own and it snowballed from there.

I primarily illustrate buildings/places around Ireland, but have had requests from Spain, Argentina and the USA, of late. I usually charge €50 for the print, including frame but, depending on size and detail, this can increase.

With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought that others may like an illustration of the place they met their loved one or a place of significance to them.

Kev Draws Art (Facebook)

Irish-made Valentine’s stuff to broadsheet@broadsheet.ie marked ‘Irish-made Valentine’s stuff’. No fee.