Tag Archives: Puck Fair



Ahead of tomorrow’s Puck Fair in Kilorglin, Co Kerry where a goat will spends the duration of the fair atop this scaffold erected in the centre of town (above).

John Carmody, of Animal Rights Network (ARAN), writes:

“We are delighted the Puck Fair is still taking place but saddened that a real animal must remain as part of this tradition.

People’s opinions on using animals for entertainment is changing fast in this day and age, and to that end, we urge the organisers to commit to taking the live animal out and replacing him with something more artistic and humane that reflects the spirit and beauty of the animal, that way everyone can have fun in what is otherwise a brilliant event.

What is wrong with the Puck Fair? ARAN has stated our concerns about the welfare of the wild-caught goat to authorities in the past.

The animal will be paraded through the packed streets of Killorglin and then hoisted roughly 60ft into the air for a couple of days in varying weather conditions, where he is then confined to a tiny cage, terrified and confused among thousands of party-goers and drunken revellers.

ARAN points out that no veterinary inspections will ease the psychological problems this animal will endure and we feel that part of the Five Freedoms in the Animal Health and Welfare Act may be violated.

Puck Fair (Facebook)

Animal Rights Network



This morning.

King Puck after spending two nights perched high over Killorglin, Co Kerry, as the town entered the third day of the controversial three day Puck Fair Festival.

Day three is called the Scattering.


(Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland)



This afternoon.

Eamonn writes:

King Puck being lowered from his perch for a one hour photo session with the public for €10 per photo.

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Please stop the use of the Wild Mountain Goat from being suspended in a cage [as above] from the top of a crane at Puck Fair causing undue distress and stop the cruelty and abuse that is associated with the Horse and Cattle Fair at same event. Show the world that Ireland can be part of the modern world when it comes to enforcing animal rights’ laws and impose maximum penalties on people who are committing such hideous acts of cruelty. Let’s show the organisers of this event and Government officials that this cruelty must not be tolerated.

From a petition calling for an end to the suspension of a goat at the Puck Fair in Killorglin, Co. Kerry.

It currently has 10,365 signatures.

Previously: Ireland’s Oldest Fair

Department Of Agriculture, Republic Of Ireland: Ban the cruelty of animals at Puck Fair (Avaaz.org)

Pic: Puck Fair