Mr Robinson, Are You Trying To Traduce Me?


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Ahead of tonight’s concluding part in Eamonn Mallie’s interview with Ian Paisley (Lord Bannside), the DUP has launched a pre-emptive strike on their former leader. LAD [Loyalists Against Democracy] managed to grab a specially-edited NSFW preview (above).

Last night’s DUP statement included:

“Lord Bannside [Paisley] is entitled to his own opinions – however, he is not entitled to his own facts. The party deeply appreciates the contribution Lord Bannside made to Northern Ireland and to the growth of the DUP…We are saddened to see Lord Bannside harm his own legacy. In his later years as party leader, many colleagues shielded his frailty from public view, to avoid embarrassment and protect his legacy. Those people are hurt by untrue and bitter comments contained in the documentary.”

Party leader Peter Robinson in his satement said:

“This is not the Ian Paisley we knew. As someone who faithfully served Dr Paisley for many decades I will make one final sacrifice by not responding and causing any further damage to his legacy beyond that which he has done himself. Rather than return insult for insult, let me bless him with the mercy of my silence and wish him well.”

In tonight’s programme Ian Paisley says his relationship with Peter Robinson is irreparable:

“His ways are not my ways. He has to answer for how he works.”

Eileen Paisley says of senior DUP members:

“They assassinated him by words and deeds. Treated him shamefully.”

Baroness Paisley goes on to say in a clear reference to Iris Robinson:

“We knew where sleaze did come from. Came from Peter Robinson’s home. It came from his family.”

Paisley: Genesis To Revelation – Face To Face With Eamonn Mallie concludes tonight on BBC One NI, at 10.35pm.

Paisley: Robinson is a beast; his ways are not mine (Sam McBride, Belfast Newsletter)

Previously: Staying In Tonight?

Shots Across The Border

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