11 thoughts on “Come All Ye

  1. Clampers Outside!

    If they get a priest up he could say a few prayers over it and it’d clean itself. Dana told me so. And she knows magic and priests who do magic things n’ stuff…. like using magic potions like, like Cllit Bang is magic.

    Dana be praised. She’s magic she is.

  2. Haroo

    You see when it’s queer in pantiland it’s ok. If you object to this as graffiti you are homophobic, haroo, haroo.

    1. Holden MaGroin

      I think the point of the post is to point out that while originally the post was to state all queers should not go into the park someone has changed in a rather amusing way to say that they should go in.

      Maybe we should leave it at that?

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