Santa’s Happy Helpers



Fiona Diffley writes:

My sister’s dog Paulie says “Christmas. Yay…” complete with eye-roll.


Maeve Murphy writes:

Presenting Winnie, when she’s not touring Ireland in her ‘Upcycled Hot Water Bottle Cover Clancy Brothers’ tribute Jumper in our VW Camper she wraps up in Christmas Lights.


Aida Mullen writes

Buttons Gracie Mullen is not in the least bit embarrassed by this Christmas carry on.


Pauline writes:

Here’s Mr Boo enjoying xmas in his own Santa coat. He loves it….sort of.


Elaine writes:

Penny chilling out with her Christmas headband, she also has a little Christmas scarf on too ;) Sat still for a few seconds before trying to demolish her get-up…

The photos don’t lie.

They love this time of year.

Earlier: YOUR Happy Xmas Pets

Does your pet adore the yule like these pine-scented scamps above? Pets at Xmas marked ‘My Pet At Xmas’ to

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10 thoughts on “Santa’s Happy Helpers

  1. scottser

    it’s bad enough people putting all their xmas s***e up in november, but jaysus, can ye not save this nonsense for facebook?

    1. Caroline

      Hold on there Safety Queen, maybe they’re LED lights.

      Or maybe Winnie just needs a little reminder of who’s boss.

  2. Ms Piggy

    I really want to like this stuff, and find it cute, and the occasional paper party hat on a dog for a quick photo is ok. But putting clothes on animals isnt’ ok to me. It always seems disrespectful, especially when the point of it is to laugh *at* them. Makes me uneasy. Just my two cents’ worth.

    1. lawless Frilly Keane

      Here Miss Piggy

      I don’t see you going around baldy naked. You were wearing a fur coat with shiny gloves the last time I saw ya on the telly.

      To be fair now, you must admit to dolling yerself up too.

        1. Neilo

          Looking at Penny makes me a little sentimental – but only a little – for my own beautiful black Labs who I haven’t seen in many, many minutes. They also have that scarf. Dammit all, these dogs in the post are adorable and even the cat’s OK.

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