22 thoughts on “Vowel At The Moon

  1. The Redundant Proofreaders Society

    Thoroughly behind Cathal on this. Companies are not proofreading or localising their content before publishing it, and this is actually doing more damage to their brand than they know.

    1. rotide

      You can agree with Cathal all you want, but to assert that this is damaging the Irish Rail brand?

      That’s a bigger reach than Klitchko.

      1. The Redundant Proofreaders Society

        Sloppy, poor attention to detail, unprofessionalism – displaying those characteristics in your communications hints they may extend throughout your organisation and that your trains might be shabby too.

        1. rotide

          As long as the trains get me to the centre/center in a timely and comfortable fashion, I don’t care how they choose to spell words that are, at this stage, perfectly acceptable either way.

          They’re in the trains business, not the spelling business.

  2. shitferbrains

    In the Famine Memorial cottage in New York, all the quotes from Irish – and English – writers and politicians are in American spelling. Grates.

    1. anon

      It’s funny when they over zealously correct and make mistakes like calling Nelson Mandela African-American.

  3. realPolithicks

    Considering that Ireland is now essentially all things American, this should hardly be a surprise.

  4. anon

    much better metaphor

    There are plenty of locations – work, for example – that I certainly would not call a favourite or favourite.

    A well designed app can usually be in “English” and avoid the need for American, Canadian, Hibernian, or any other variety of English.

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