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Peter Nyberg  at the banking inquiry

[FG senator] Michael D’Arcy: “In the scale of misjudging risk internationally, how bad was the Irish banking sector’s misjudging risk?”

[Finnish Finance expert] Peter Nyberg: “The Irish institutions were pretty good at misjudging risk.” [laughs uncontrollably]


From last night’s RTÉ’s Six One and Nine News,

Watch here from 9.20 to 9.45.

Previously: And So It Begins…

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11 thoughts on “Badum Crash

  1. Artemis

    My interpretation –

    [FG senator] Michael D’Arcy: “In the scale of misjudging risk internationally, how bad was the Irish banking sector’s misjudging risk?”
    Was there any other country whose banks were as reckless as ours?

    [Finnish Finance expert] Peter Nyberg: “The Irish institutions were pretty good at misjudging risk.” [laughs uncontrollably]
    Eh, that’d be a NO!. Ye were pretty much the worst. hahahahahahaha. Fupping muppets. hahahahah

  2. JimmytheHead

    Of course he thinks its funny, hes laughing in disbelief that we havent arrested and charged the guilty suspects. Instead we give them big pensions and a pat on the back for a job well done

  3. Where's Frilly?

    Every Big 4 grey suit I’ve ever met over complicate the definition of Risk, and the applications of Risk Management procedures.

    Maybe its a billable hour thing

    Risk BTW =

    If it has the potential to cost money in the future, it is a risk that must be taken into account.

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