8 thoughts on “De Tuesday Papers

  1. jeremy kyle

    Well if you’re going to have sex, you may as well do it naked. My money’s on it being Dustin.

  2. Frilly Keane


    A sex scandal

    Jays I’d love it t’be a politician

    But. Humph. Probably a boy bander.

    1. Anne

      I had two TDs following me around Temple bar one night..
      It was like dog shite on your shoe.. hard to get rid of.
      I called the Tee-shock from one of their phones at one point..
      Not really a sex scandal.. I aint blind or on crack.

    2. Soundings

      When did prostitutes become “escorts”? Was it around the time petrol pump attendants became fuel injection technicians?

  3. SADDo

    Bewleys is to close? Again. Give me a break. Just when it was getting its act together as a place you could get decent coffee and a place to chat after 7 PM in Dublin. FFS.

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