27 thoughts on “Comedy Store

    1. Slightly Bemused

      That’s because the exorcism from Dunnes’ fruit and veg worked and the demon is now haunting Tesco

    2. Chuckie

      Is it errant though?
      They should be saying Tesco, plain and simple.
      But if they’re going to add an ‘s’, it should be with an apostrophe.

      1. Mani

        Here, T-bag, if you’re going to come swinging at me, make sure it’s a haymaker and not the usual dead arm you give the miussus, yeah?

  1. munkifisht

    Funny how with how much we know now about the world people still cling on to such silly wacky crazy beliefs, especially on Ash Wednesday and at the start of Lent in good ol Catholic Ireland.

  2. Mr. T.

    Loads of civil servants got their ash yesterday in the hopes of getting that promotion from their Opus Dei upper management.

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