I Drink Your Milkshake



Labour’s Minister for Environment Alan Kelly

The Civil Debt Procedure Bill…will allow companies such as Irish Water to deduct people’s welfare payments or earnings.
…Amounts deducted from any welfare payments will be limited, due to the fact that there is a restriction on what can be deducted to ensure claimants have enough for day-to-day living.
The measures for deducting welfare and earnings are being drafted on the back of a Law Reform Commission report in 2010.
Separate proposals will be discussed at the cabinet table today on how tenants who refuse to pay their water bills could have unpaid amounts deducted from their deposits.

And the very best of luck with all of that.

Irish Water debt measures brought before Cabinet (Juno McEntee, irish Examiner)

(Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland)

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60 thoughts on “I Drink Your Milkshake

  1. jonotti

    I hate the Labour Party. Christ, there’s more compassion in Fine Gael at this stage.

  2. Jonotti

    Great news. The usual leeches will be screaming about civil rights and a 1916 style revolution.

  3. bisted

    …Kelly seems to be really floundering but I believe his immortality is assured when the Irish Water debacle looks set to becomes the stuff of legend.

  4. scottser

    on de wireless this morning, howlin was trying to dress it up so literally all of your little debts like tolls, esb, phone bills, the bill from the plumber or washing machine dude can all be taken without your consent from your income. wtf?

    1. wearnicehats

      That’s how debts work. You owe someone something and you pay it. Doesn’t matter how big or small they are, whether they are utility bills taxes or general invoices. If you don’t pay it you are stealing from that person or, in the case of taxes, from everyone. Good on them for this. The sense of entitlement in this country has to be stopped somehow.

        1. wearnicehats

          No I’m not. I pay my debts; why shouldn’t I expect other people to do the same? This can’t pay won’t pay nonsense has to stop.

      1. Tonyc

        Agree completely. I am sick of this “entitled” culture which seems prevalent at the moment, there a lot of people out there who believe that others should pay their bills.

        1. Zuppy International

          Like those Muppets in Lenister House for instance. Entitled fuppwits.

          1. Tonyc

            Don’t have any time for politicians so agree with you , but who do you change them for , Sinn Fein no thanks, Wallace ? a Tax & Fine dodger? Murphy , who does not understand the meaning of peaceful. Where is the alternative?

        2. ahjayzis

          Bankers walked away, they’re still wealthy beyond belief. Politicians walked off the pitch after destroying the coutnry, we still pay them more than we did when they actually worked for a living. Big companies have their debts entirely written off, and the citizens picks up the tab. Private companies go to the wall, and citizens pick up the tab.

          Fix those and you can start talking about forcibly removing more money from ordinary people.

          1. scottser

            and while other commentators might draw a line between not paying and can’t pay, my issue is that you don’t get to control and plan your income. we’ve all faced the dilemma of having to prioritise an urgent payment over deferring a debt. taking money at source would hinder people genuinely trying to manage debt.

          2. Paolo

            So your solution is for everyone to walk away from debts? Or is it that nobody should pay debts until all companies have paid their debts?


          3. ahjayzis

            My solution is one rule for everyone, and until then I’ll oppose more stringent measures for ordinary people, while the country is robbed blind by untouchables.

            It’s called fair play, not anarchy. Moral hazard works both ways or it doesn’t work at all, and it doesn’t work at all in Ireland.

          4. Tonyc

            I have no sympathy for bankers either although a lot of them lost careers and money as well. Politicians do work extremely hard , they may not do what you want them to do but they work hard. If you are referring to siteserv , the shareholders lost a fortune and rightly so , they over borrowed and paid the price. In relation to private companies it is normally shareholder and creditors who pay the price for their failure not the taxpayer. Whether we like it or not the majority ( and last time i checked we have majority rule) will pay their water charges, if people cannot afford to pay they should be given a waiver, but for people who will not pay , it is right that it should be taken form their wage or social welfare payments. Why should other hard pressed tax payers pay on their behalf.

  5. Daisy Chainsaw

    Labour really don’t want to exist after the next GE, do they? It’s mind boggling how Jobsbridge, Irish Water, Property Tax and all the other cuts they’ve not only presided over, but championed were brought in by a party supposed to protect the “have nots”.

    I’m sure their pensions will keep them warm at night.

    1. Vote Rep #1

      Yay, lets blame Labour for all the bad things that happened over the last few years! I am sure they went into government totally wanting to do all the things they did

        1. bisted

          …yeah..Labour are to blame..Labour went into government seduced by the irresistable lure of power and pensions. They could have forced the absorbtion of FF into FG and probably not had to wait very long for another election.

          1. Lan

            Then what?

            Genuine question like but how would have one unstable after another have been in the country’s best interest?
            Going from one government who cant agree on a damn thing to another so that nothing ever gets addressed, how is that in anyway better?

          2. ahjayzis

            If Labour had stayed in opposition, they’d be on like 90% in the opinion polls by now and we might actually have a non-right-wing government for the first time in a century… or ever actually.

          3. Lan

            And in till that happened ahjayzis? An unholy alliance of FF and FG? Constantly ripping into each other and unable to decide on anything?

            Besides if Labour were that left to begin with then why didnt they just pull out? If we had a non-right government who would that be? Labour and AAA or Socalists? How long til that would crumble? Probably the minute they realised that, just as in Greece, they couldnt make good on any of their “screw the bankers” mentality promises and that isnt enough to create an economic policy?

  6. jeremy kyle

    Well you know, they say we’re always bunching above our weight…

    ..;or is that below the belt?

  7. Odis

    This was how the Conservative government in the early nineties, got round the poll tax protests, in the UK. A tried and tested tactic.

  8. phil

    I did some work in the estate over the weekend, picked up some rubbish , and the council always misses this patch of grass cutting because a a toublesome tree, now granted I wasnt asked by anyone to do this work , I felt it was necessary , so where should I send the invoice ?

    1. Paolo

      That’s not how “work” works. You can’t just do work and charge for it. If the council got you out of bed and requested that you do the work then fine, you are entitled to bill them.

      Just like when people use water and sewerage systems. They are requesting the service and so should expect to be billed for it. If you don’t have a mains/sewerage connection then you can tell Irish Water where to stick their bill, otherwise you should pay it.

      1. scottser

        you’re a lone voice paulo. you might as well knock off early, you won’t win the hearts and minds today lad.

        1. wearnicehats

          He’s not a lone voice. You’re probably the sort of person who would do a runner from a restaurant and justify it by saying you didn’t like what you ordered.

          People on here see 2 types of people:

          1. can pay can pay – those people who get on with it, pay their bills and act like normal people and who keep the country running
          2. Every other downtrodden entitled member of the proletariat

          Well of those downtrodden masses there are 3 types of poor bereft souls

          can’t pay, ask for assistance – those who can’t pay and who work with the system to prove beyond doubt that they deserve to be on welfare.

          can’t pay won’t pay – those who can’t afford it but do nothing to justify it. These people should have money taken at source until they prove otherwise

          can pay won’t pay – these people – be they rich or poor – who bring no benefit to society and who should have their money taken at source and then a fine stuck on top. This bunch also include all those on welfare who have more than enough money to pay their way but who just choose to sit and watch their free sky sports all day.

          1. scottser

            you don’t wear nice hats at all. you wear grumpy, judgemental and badly fitting hats, just like your arguments.

          2. Swoon

            ‘Wearnicehats’ you should change the name to ‘wearnicehelmets’.You are certainly one of the more stupid commentators.Please try and make some actual rational sense dipsh1t.

          3. wearnicehats

            ok lads instead of being abusive try countering the argument. I’ll post here all day as long as all you have is insults

          4. scottser

            well, you’re the one who kicked in with the ad hom attacks first. and we all have better things to do than pick through your strawmen. still, it must be great to know and be able to verbalise the minds of all who comment here – i’m sure everyone really appreciates it.

  9. Kolmo

    Offshore account business should see an upsurge if private companies can just start dipping in and out without consent, this is flahucking nonsense.

  10. Zuppy International

    Why not just put the whole population on direct provision?

    Then we rename the place ‘Kelly’s Farm’.

  11. Joe cool

    I love how fg media office have sent their shills onto broadsheet, sticking their toe in the water to test it. Unfortunately gentlemen, this ain’t the journal. You won’t get away with your nonsense around these parts. People here are a little too smart.

    1. Kieran NYC

      Must be crazy-making to believe that anyone with a different opinion as you must be PAID to have it.

  12. Kevin M

    It is amazing to see the shills out and about. They had a holiday last week with the Siteserv controversy and the Spin Statement being shafted.

    It is obvious that people are not paying this charge in the numbers the government want.

    I work, i can pay, i’ve spent more then the €260 on travelling around the country to protests, meetings etc – I will not pay for this corrupt, wasteful, quango. I will not pay again for my water. When the country is on it’s knees this government would hammer the people yet again with another charge – I will not roll over and pay this charge. I will not reward their greed any longer.

    And I will not be alone.

  13. Truth in the News

    The way is, burden them with the debt they have foisted on us by removing them
    from office and then escheating their pensions, payoffs and property and then
    you’d hear the howls, is John Perry voting for this measure…..if so don’t vote
    for him……he seems to have a problem with bills.

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