22 thoughts on “Now You’re A Dad

      1. mauriac

        ? .It can work out cheaper than instant and definitely tastes better.Go on treat yourself to a minor indulgence.
        Off to my proctological parallel universe.

      2. Randy Ewing

        I agree Tack, god bless the salt of the earth irish country dweller, if it wasnt for them our precious rural way of life close with its knit communities, righteous superiority, religious conservatism and incestuous child abuse might all die out.

  1. Jonotti

    Let the wife look after the child and don’t join the growing ranks of the emasculated. I’m looking after myself, bringing in the cash and looking after the housing.

    1. LiamZero

      Yes, and in doing so you are turning your “child” into the sad, bitter, angry, deluded wretch that you are. I wasn’t quite sure daddy issues were what made you, but I guess that would explain a lot. I nearly feel sorry for you now.

    1. newsjustin

      Breastfeeding would solve a host of problems and be better for everyone. No bottles to sterilise, fill, clean, etc, etc

  2. J

    Earring, Starbucks , waistcoat, sweatpants, bleak housing estate, faux American accent.
    #The American nightmare
    #Talent to irritate
    #Call Broadsheet

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