55 thoughts on “So, This Is Happening

        1. rotide

          Put your knee back in there moyest. This has nothing to do with conservativsm.

          This is clearly a left wing post and it clearly is making hysterical with zero support for the claim.

          Just acknowledge it’s embarrasing and move on.

          1. Roight

            @ Rotide :am assuming you didn’t miss this pearl of a tweet

            “Just signed book of condolences in the #Derry for victims of the #Paris attacks. I also included messages for the people of Beirut +Syria.”

    1. f_lawless

      ye lazy sod! a little bit of googling would have avoided your need to make that comment.
      Here’s an example of O’Neill’s deeply thoughtful musings on Islam:
      “If Islam was a religion of peace, wouldn’t its extremists be extremely peaceful? Think about that…”
      “Trigger happy” I suppose because US officials eventually stated that Bin Laden was unarmed when killed and so a priceless opportunity to detain and interrogate him was lost.

      1. Owen C

        How is that Islamophobic? It’s simply noting that the whole “Islam is the religion of peace” meme didn’t really tally up with the reality of Al Qaeda etc.

        As for trigger happy, if you think they were ever going to take Osama back alive, you’re being egregiously naive. This an execution mission, where they wanted 100% proof he was dead (instead of just bombing the building).

        1. f_lawless

          em, no I didn’t really believe we were going to be presented with an alive and captured Bin Laden..but nevertheless according to then CIA director Leon Panetta: “The authority here was to kill bin Laden. Obviously under the rules of engagement, if he in fact had thrown up his hands, surrendered and didn’t appear to be representing any kind of threat, then they were to capture him. But, they had full authority to kill him.” So it is fair enough to say O’Neill acted in a trigger-happy fashion by not assessing that an unarmed Bin Laden presented no threat.
          The O’Neill tweet not doing it for ya? Hmm.. how about this one “35 dead so far and 100 hostages in Paris. I wonder if Islam is involved…” Note: He didn’t say Islamic extremists.
          It’s akin to saying “I hear there’s been another terrorist attack in Burma. No doubt Buddhism involved!” http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/asia-pacific/extremist-buddhists-spearhead-anti-muslim-sentiment-in-burma-1.2094512

          1. rotide

            Well, he wasn’t wrong was he? Islam was involved, that’s not really up for debate.

            You would be better off showing that he assumes all Muslims are capable of that violence to paint him as an Islamophobe.

            Just like you wouldn’t be far wrong assuming violence in Myanmar was carried out by Buddhists.

          2. f_lawless

            In my view conflating Islamic extremist militants with Islam as a religion in general is a form of Islamophobia just as it would be with any religion.
            I’ll rest my case this tweet from O’Neill:
            “Quick thought: the next time someone named Mohammed murders a bunch of people, maybe we should assume it was because of Islam. Thoughts?”

  1. Friscondo

    Your point is irrelevant, as suicide bombers rarely get invited to these kind of events. For obvious reasons.

  2. Clampers Outside!

    Rebek’Ah sounds like she has an agenda.

    …you sound like the type that spits on vets regardless of what they’ve done or didn’t do. Please say it ain’t so, and do tell everyone where you got “trigger happy Islamaphobe” Rebek’Ah. Thanks

      1. f_lawless

        I’m copying and pasting my comment above:
        ..an example of O’Neill’s deeply thoughtful musings on Islam:
        “If Islam was a religion of peace, wouldn’t its extremists be extremely peaceful? Think about that…”
        “Trigger happy” I suppose because US officials eventually stated that Bin Laden was unarmed when killed and so a priceless opportunity to detain and interrogate him was lost.

          1. f_lawless

            Here’s a couple of his tweets:
            “Quick thought: the next time someone named Mohammed murders a bunch of people, maybe we should assume it was because of Islam. Thoughts?”

            “35 dead so far and 100 hostages in Paris. I wonder if Islam is involved…”

            I think you’re the one talking nonsense mate.

  3. Sido

    How do you mean “honoured”?
    Are they giving him an honourary doctorate or something? Your post doesn’t make it clear.

  4. Grouse

    Whatever about the “trigger happy Islamaphobe”, calling an event “ROB O’NEILL THE MAN WHO KILLED BIN LADEN” doesn’t seem in the greatest taste either.

  5. rotide

    Lots of students in UCD might not be happy about it.

    Lots of students in UCD are free not to go to it.

    Rebek’ah sounds like she’d embrace that ‘Safe place’ american university crap with open arms.

  6. Twunt

    I get the feeling that if a Muslim spat in the face of one of these protesters, they would pretend it is raining.

  7. john

    If you don’t like him or what he did, then don’t go. This whole idea of ‘safe spaces’ is insane, as someone, somewhere will always be offended by something. What happens when these precious flowers go out into the real world and realise there are no ‘safe spaces’ anymore?

      1. J

        They go back to uni , do a PhD in the art of nose picking and adopt the American definition of “professor”.

    1. Nigel

      You don’t like him or what he did then scream it from the rooftops. Don’t let anyone shut you up or shout you down. They’re just precious flowers who wilted long ago.

      1. john

        The problem is not with people ‘shouting from the rooftops’ its trying to get speakers you don’t like banned from speaking. Arguing that a speaker makes you feel ‘unsafe’ is not an argument.

        1. Nigel

          What’s wrong with that? I disagree, but if that’s what they think go for it. What do you want, a safe space where people can’t object to speakers they find objectionable? Ye precious flower.

          1. john

            If you had even a minute bit of intelligence you would understand the difference between banning someone and disagreeing with them. No issue with objections, I have an issue with censorship (as in college campuses/UK universities banning speakers).

          2. Nigel

            They’re not banning anyone, they’re objecting to a particular speaker. So what? Universities and colleges and their societies pick and choose who they get to speak anyway so why shouldn’t people object to their choices? The speakers aren’t entitled to the platforms provided and students there have a right to say they don’t want particular people given a platform that would associate them, however tangentially, with particular speakers. Getting speakers canceled isn’t something I approve of, but I heartily approve of loudly calling colleges and societies on their choice of speakers.

      1. john

        Yep, this place is full of people who would like safe spaces (ie. somewhere where nobody disagrees with them). None of them can be engaged properly as their logic is wafer thin.

  8. Perricrisptayto

    What exactly did he do. Unplug his life support system?
    Shot Bin Laden?, I dont think so.
    Hollywood nonsense.

    1. rotide

      Perriscrisptayto is obviously in possesion of all the facts here people

      Come on, educate us on what the mainstream media DON’T WANT US TO KNOW

        1. Kieran NYC

          People who use the term ‘mainstream media’ so often they have to abbreviate it to ‘MSM’ are usually people to avoid and ignore.

  9. human

    UCD students imitating American students to validate their 3rd level radical experience. If you want a safe space stay at home.

  10. manolo

    Perfect timing to help ensure that europeans become as obsessed and paranoid as the americans became after 9/11. There is a whole industry salivating with excitement waiting for the increase is weapon sales.

  11. PaddyM

    “Lots of UCD students aren’t happy that a trigger happy Islamaphobe being honoured.”

    I’m not happy that a seemingly perpetually-offended SJW can’t spell “Islamophobe” correctly. Or that Broadsheet couldn’t provide a trigger warning to let us know that the post would contain a spelling mistake.

    Where do I protest?

    1. rotide

      “Tweets abt Feminism. Human Rights. Mental Health. Abortion Rights. Former Gender Equality Officer ”

      So much diversity!

  12. Hashtag McMór

    What does the UCD Law Dept say about the fact that a constitutional lawyer in the U.S. (prez) ordered this extra-judicial killing?

    Oh right, nothing. They’re in the bar planning Summer Secondments in Yale.

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