This morning.

Fianna Fáil’s General Election press conference room boasting its 2016 campaign slogan.

Can this end well?

Pic via Laura Hogan


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26 thoughts on “We Do What?!

    1. han solo's carbonite dream

      I thought it was spelt cach.
      but nonetheless I guess both laughing..

      they’ll still get my vote though

      1. ReproBertie

        Good man. What this country needs is a dáil packed with sleeveen’s willing to fup the electorate for their builder mates.

        1. Dav

          but it’s all about de war don’t u see?? u can’t be voting for them others, because of the warrrrrr…. aka retarded civil war politics

  1. Slightly Bemused

    Nothing wrong with the Irish: cách is one word for everyone. Still, not sure about the slogan…

    1. classter

      Its a typical example of the lip service given to Irish.

      They chose a slogan which sounded good in English & translated it directly into Irish.

      A phrase that just so happens not to sound very good in Irish.

  2. Eoin

    ‘An Ireland for all’? Hmmm. That suggests promoting inclusiveness and more pandering to minorities who feel excluded. I guess if you’ve no idea how to fix the big issues then you go chasing the smaller issues you can fix. Won’t be getting my vote with that attitude. Anyway, I’ve not forgotten how Cowen and co sold us down the river in the financial crisis. Paying off a handful of billionaires and their hedge funds was more important than protecting Ireland or it’s people.

    1. grace

      Eoin I take it you are a straight white Irish male? Heaven forbid we might seek to “pander” to those who don’t fall into that demographic.

    2. MoyestWithExcitement

      “Paying off a handful of billionaires and their hedge funds was more important than protecting Ireland or it’s people.”

      But sure, Ireland has “minorities” in it. Surely it’s great that our government shafted them?

    3. classter

      ‘I’ve not forgotten how Cowen and co sold us down the river in the financial crisis. Paying off a handful of billionaires and their hedge funds was more important than protecting Ireland or it’s people.’

      I am much more resentful about how Cowen & co got us into a financial crisis to begin with.

    1. classter

      FF are very far away from being keen Irish speakers, even if their PR people think a bit of Gaeilge looks good.

      1. Nice Anne {Dammit}

        I’ll type this slowly to make it easy for you to follow…..

        In an Island made up of many nationalities who speak many languages….
        There are 3 hetro white people standing under a sign talking about an Ireland for all which is in English and Irish.

        1. classter

          I’ll type even more slowly then.

          FF don’t really consider Irish-speakers under ‘all’. They tend to use a bit of ill-considered, ugly-sounding token Irish to burnish their Republican credentials in an attempt to beat off SF from one flank and to appeal to those who think FG are West-Brits.

          I don’t think that FF give a sh!t about us whether we are white or non-white or whatever language we speak. In short, I think that this empty political slogan is, in fact, empty.

  3. Frilly Keane

    That picture is gas
    And a fed up

    I can feel the ambition and energy lepping off it…

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