21 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

    1. dedeluded

      Her (mean spirited thinking) was that those who suffer are closer to god because of their suffering. She took terminal patients in and refused them pain medication for the same reason. What a heartless bitch.

          1. John

            Are you aware that Hitch and Mother Teresa had some things in common (both were anti-abortion) and are there any footnotes in his book on the famous nun? Was he present all those years 24/7 in the slums of Calcutta witnessing her work? As for the ‘academics; be skeptical’: academia hates Christianity.

          2. Dόn 'The Unstoppable Force' Pídgéόní

            He was himself yes but also defended abortion laws in the US and took the p*** out of those teaching abstinence or that contraception is abortion, like she did.

            You don’t need to be an academic to dislike the lies that the church teaches

      1. Elena

        Well said. Very few people seem to actually be aware of this. The saintly propaganda surronding her is truly baffling.

      2. ceo

        Wow. Flashback to the scariest, most horrific horror move I ever saw; Martyrs. She was surely an inspiration. Or at least that line of thought was.

  1. Old Bawn

    Truly a black-hearted, venomous old bat. And they’re making her a saint – FFS, do these lads do any basic research before canonizing someone? I read somewhere that she didn’t even believe in God as she got older, but apparently to “struggle with your faith” makes you even more pious. You couldn’t make it up (although they have)…

  2. newsjustin

    One would think, judging from some of the criticism, she gets that she was preventing other people from providing care for poor, sick people.

    She was of her time, a believer in charity rather than development. That’s a big failing, viewed in retrospect.

    I distrust many critics of her who tend to round off their case against her with the most damn in criticism they can muster – that she was a devout catholic who was against abortion, contraception and divorce. They can never forgive her those things.

    1. meadowlark

      That’s an interesting point newsjustin. I had never heard any of these criticisms until today. It seems that some are correct, but I think that you might be right in that we are holding her to morals that simply were not widespread at the time, as opposed to now. Hindsight is a funny thing, really.

      Whether or not she deserves a sainthood is debatable, imo.

      1. realPolithicks

        She died in 1997, you make it sound like it was the 1800’s. She wasn’t a product of her times, she was a product of the institution she served, the catholic church…which has been shown to be as morally bankrupt as she was.

        1. newsjustin

          She grew up in the 30s and 40s and started work in the 50s and 60s. A very different time re the church, development theory, and lots else.

          Contrast this with the post Vatican 2 type of missionary activity, far more focused on development rather than conversion. Pre V2 there was lots of schooling and nursing, but with little vision for broader human and social development.

  3. Nice Jung Man

    We need more people like her to sort out the homeless problem around GPO during Pattys Day

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