12 thoughts on “A View To A Quill

  1. Bertie Blenkinsop

    That’ll explain the massive bird* poo on my car earlier.

    * Not in “The Sweeney” sense of the term

    1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

      I was in the garden playing with BabyAndy on Tuesday. I felt a PLOP on my arm: massive birdpoo had just landed there. I looked up into the sycamore tree above and saw three magpie holes facing me.
      I hope BabyAndy doesn’t mimic her mother’s language.

      1. mildred st. meadowlark

        Young mildred curses like a dockside worker. I don’t know if I can teach her any more than that.

        1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

          Ah, I’m saving that for when she’s older. That’s a treasure trove that I’m guarding so she can use it to attract men like I used to.
          Or usen’t to in ANY way, usually.

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