Free Next Thursday?



InterTech is a diversity platform that brings LGBT members of the tech community in Dublin together for social events.

Next Thursday, December 8, at 6.30pm, it will hold a fundraiser for ShoutOut at Oscars Café Bar on Fishamble Street, Dublin 8.

Further to this…

Conor Kavanagh, of InterTech, writes:

ShoutOut is a non-profit that delivers workshops to high-school students in Ireland around how to be a good ally, what homophobia and transphobia really are and how they can manifest themselves.

It’ll be informal drinks, pizza and a raffle with premium tech prizes. As we’ve probably all experienced, there’s no better place to find an ally than in a school corridor. So buy your ticket and join us on December 8th for some after-work drinks, pizza, a raffle and a great cause.

Buy tickets, €11.23, here


InterTech Ireland

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7 thoughts on “Free Next Thursday?

  1. Eamonn Clancy

    Shout out to ShoutOut, we don’t have high schools here. I can imagine the fake Omerican accents on this shower.

  2. Holden MaGroin


    That really annoyed me. I will not help your charity now. So close you guys. So close.

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