29 thoughts on “De Wednesday Papers

  1. Henry Woods

    Wednesdays weather will be like today Tuesday.
    I’ll miss yesterdays Tuesday tomorrow.

  2. jusayinlike

    Noonan’s deathly mush in the Examiner for all the wrong reasons again..


  3. Sheik Yahbouti

    A year to investgate Noonan’s involvement with Project Eagle and Nama! Ever heard the maxim “justice delayed is justice denied”? In this country it only seems to exist in text books.

  4. GiggidyGoo

    Fine Gael have been doing so much supporting of commissioners, they should be renamed the Playtex Party.

  5. Kieran Nice Young Chap

    Trump firing Comey is absolutely chilling. Undermines both justice and democracy.

    He’s systematically attacking and undermining every institution that provides checks on the power of the president. Going to put in a stooge like Chris Christie into the FBI and the Russia investigation will just disappear.

    Innocent men don’t fire the person investigating them. Nixon did.

    But her emails, eh?

      1. Owen

        If its not the Russia hacking investigation then what is it for? Trump is a tyrant. He will sack someone because they annoyed him, not because they found something on him. He is hardly sacking Comey about the emails, he would have done that on day one if that was his honest, dutiful, opinion.

        In any event, it will come out in 20 years, in a moment of shock in the Indo, with a stock photo of Trump with his lawyers, and then be forgotten about.

      2. Harry Molloy

        I dislike when someone posts a link with no comment, what is it that you’re trying to say?

        1. Nigel

          I just take it for granted that anyone who posts YouTube links in a political discussion is trying to rickroll.

          1. know man is an island

            I take it for granted anything jusayinlike posts is some conspiracy theory numskull stuff and my expectations to date have not been confounded

    1. Nigel

      It’s amazing and blatant and it’s probably going to work unless an independent prosecutor is appointed.

      1. Owen

        Agreed…. but how independent can a prosecutor be? They’d need to be from another planet not to be crushed by the Trump dictatorship during or after the investigation.

  6. bisted

    …have we twinned with Seattle…between Zappone and new Seattle appointee Kathleen O’Toole we’re going to need a new Government jet for them and their entourage…

    1. Harry Molloy

      Travel expenses are a minor concern and are to be expected if we want someone reputable and external to lead investigations tbf. and I think we do

  7. Murtles

    Hey friends in the USA. You that 2nd amendment thing ye’re always harping on about. I think now is the time to put it to good use,

  8. Frilly Keane

    The Langers better find that fountain
    I feel I’m entitled in some way to know its protected and safe somehow

    Not only do I have that very same pic here, in pride of place, My Granda was born 20 yards left of that spot, and t’was his mother that had the Salmon Rights from that bridge and along the length of the North Mall to the Mercy one
    Yes I am a direct decedent of the Family that were known then as The Boat People

  9. Spaghetti Hoop

    This ‘look at the size of my weapon’ game is hilarious. Do any female heads of state be at this?

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