Social Realism



UK Labour Party General Election broadcast directed by Ken Loach.



Watch Jeremy Corbyn launch Labour’s manifesto live here

Ken Loach?

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44 thoughts on “Social Realism

  1. shitferbrains

    Corbyn has just appointed the tankie Andrew Murray of Stop the War Coalition as his campaign boss. Fraternal greetings to North Korea and victory to Hamas.

    1. MoyestWithExcitement

      May and her cronies passed legislation that allows for the imprisonment of journalists. But yeah, fupp Corbyn. That fascist!

    1. Nigel

      Everything the Tories do tend to make him look better as a human being, if not as a politician.

      1. Listrade

        I’m struggling to find the link and I might have imagined it, but there was a poll last week on the details of the leaked Labour Manifesto. Most policy issues got majority support (some, like rail nationalization above 70%). The problem was the final question on who would they vote for, it was still the Tories.*

        So they wanted the Labour Policies, just not implemented by Labour.

        *caveat being it was an online poll.

        1. MoyestWithExcitement

          You didn’t imagine it. There was also a graph knocking about recently showing the percentage of people who regarded the EU as an important issue was under, I think, 5% for ages and then shot up after the referendum became a thing. Point being, vast swathes of people are told how to think and go along with it without realising it. The right wing media have been painting Corbyn as inept fot ages so people have that view of him. Reality and reason be damned.

          1. Hank

            I can’t get my head around how any rational person would rather be governed by Theresa May than Corbyn

          2. MoyestWithExcitement

            People are lazy. Folks on the telly say he’s bad so he’s bad. No need to think any further. Never mind that May makes him look like JFK with her embarassingly amateurish performance.

          3. Owen C

            At some stage people are gonna have to accept that Corbyn is a terrible leader of the Labour Party and unelectable as PM. Quit blaming this on a mixture of a mean spirited media and alleged voter laziness. He’s just awful. Any meaningful opposition to the Tory’s will have to be lead by someone else. Probably key to this happening is Corbyn himself realising what is becoming more and more obvious.

          4. MoyestWithExcitement

            There ya go, Hank. Nothing but meaningless slogan chanting. Laziness is why that clown, May is seen as better.

          5. MoyestWithExcitement

            By the way, Hank, to further my point, that guy above questioned the right of Serbian to asylum status here because he’d not seen anything about Serbia in the news. Seriously.

          6. This monkey's gone to heaven

            Corbyn seems fine to me, I mean if he is a radical, we’re really screwed.

            It’s amazing how people just relentlessly parrot media heads and talking points, both right and left.

          7. Owen C

            No, you’re right, he’s really doing a grand job. Carry on and ignore the historically massive Tory majority which could arrive. Corbyn4eva.

        2. Rob_G

          @Listrade – That’s the thing; he is so disliked by large swathes of the electorate that his leadership is damaging the Labour Party.

          1. Listrade

            I still can’t see him winning and still don’t see him as an effective leader. I’m just warming to him a bit more than I did. It’s easier now there are some actual policies on the table to see.

  2. Owen

    Standard stuff really. Point out the problems that a majority relate to, give a high level vision of change, but don’t commit to anything to directly detailing how change will occur (bar the £10 wage).

    “This is the problem……(nothing…. nothing…… nothing)………..and this is what we need!”

    1. Brother Barnabas

      It’s a sub-5-minute video, Owen – it’s meant to be broad, general ideas.
      The manifesto isn’t short of details.
      You knew that already, though, didn’t you?

      1. This monkey's gone to heaven

        You’re wasting your time there Brother.

        You knew that already, though, didn’t you?

      2. Owen

        Ah yeah, fair point. 4 sentences of actions was not possible in that tight window.

        1. Employment in rural areas will be addressed through investment in xxx xxx and xxx
        2. The gap in financial classes will be reduced through xxx, xxx and xxx.
        3. A reduction in homelessness will be done through xxx, xxx and xxx.
        4. Investment in the housing market will be via xxx, xxx and xxx.

        I suppose if he gets in time will be too tight to implement anything anyway….. but you knew that already, right?

  3. Sheik Yahbouti

    Poor Corbyn. A man of ideals. What tiny hope has he? None whatever, is the stern reply. :-(

    1. MoyestWithExcitement

      I dunno. May is really REALLY bad. There’s a few more weeks for her to embarrass herself. This could be closer than many think. Corbyn got a standing ovation at the nurse’s conference before. May didn’t even reply to the invitation. The media said Trump was unelectable.

      1. Sheik Yahbouti

        Moyest, a Quaker, a man of unfashionable principle, a toiler for peace against all odds? In a UK which reveres only War and Money? I don’t think so.

        1. MoyestWithExcitement

          The odds are against him alright but people are volatile and vote emotionally. There is quite a way to go for different narratives to develop.

      2. This monkey's gone to heaven

        Didn’t we hear this kind of searing insight from you previously about the Social Democrats?

    1. Sheik Yahbouti

      Maybe he lacks advisers with your acumen. It takes a good, committed, team to win success. That guy has to deal with hordes of Blairites undermining him.

      1. Brother Barnabas

        This be it.
        That many (if not most) committed Blairites would rather have May as prime minister than Corbyn says a lot. And it’s hugely dangerous for Britain.

  4. Kolmo

    Corbyn seems to be portrayed as some unbelievable headbanger radical – He is not a radical, his propssals are reasonable and as far as I can see, benefit the vast majority of UK citizens, what’s wrong with that? He is not a ‘charismatic’ media letch, if you vote based on how telegenic someone is – you’re a fool.
    I wonder would his views spread to our little bastion of purest thatcherism.

    1. MoyestWithExcitement

      +1 and to add that anyone who uses the term ‘unelectable’ is an idiot.

  5. Spaghetti Hoop

    The Broadsheet political commentariat have a great deal to say about the British Labour Party I’m enlightened to see but reduce their comments on Ireland’s closer neighbours to the age of their wives. Hah!

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